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Pole Transport in Boston

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:34 pm
by Bubba PV
Hey Guys/Gals. We have Masters Nationals in Boston in a few weeks and I was wondering if those of you who went to the two meets there already can recommend a shuttle from the airport to Reggie Lewis. This is my first time in six trips where I won't have a car so I need to know the best way to make the pole transport. Thanks so much!! Bubba

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:54 pm
by Barto
Zebra airport shuttle took me, the Mrs, and poles for $50.

Or...once I rented a car for $24 for one day. Dropped the poles at the hotel. Returned the car immediately to the airport. And then took the subway back from the airport to the hotel for $3.

Depends upon how cheap you are. = nice folks

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:57 pm
by Bubba PV
Cool and thanks! I've got a couple of guys who will join in on the shuttle trip with their poles. Thanks again and have a great season!! Bubba

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:45 pm
by Bubba PV
I have a friend with a BAX account and may choose to ship direct to the facility. I've done this in the past to Reggie Lewis with no problems. Did anyone else do this for indoors? Thanks again! Bubba