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Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:47 pm
by fdavaulter
Here is an idea:

What would it take for an elite vaulter male or female that is not sponsored: as in Nike, New Balance, Reebok and so on to wear a club jersey for RENO
This is what I’m thinking my club has done very well over that last year with camps and pole sales and what not. Minnesota/ my club does not have professional vaulter jumping or training with us yet. I started my club to help give back in to the community, and are looking to help someone.

The Club “Fuzion Athletics would like to sponsor an elite athlete for Reno and would like to challenge other clubs to step up and help an elite vaulter (someone that is jumping in the elite event) that is not sponsored.
So for example: A club pays an athlete a $$$ amount for a vaulter to wear it club jersey, jacket and shirt for the meet and even the weekend. How much would that cost?
This could maybe become a bidding war for the unattached athletes for reno.

~What does a club get out of doing this?
Club gets its name on the big stage, satisfaction of helping an athlete that needs it. This also could give more things to talk about when the vaulter is jumping. Best yet give the club a chance to help a potential Olympian or former Olympian.
~What does the Elite Athletes get out of it?
Help in paying for the weekend and they get some free stuff that they can auctions on ebay after the meet :)

So I will give an elite vaulter $200 to wear a club jersey, jacket and shirt to wear during for the weekend.

Maybe this is a crazy idea but let talk about it!

Please put in your input on this, and if you are for sale? Please let me know!

Re: Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:39 am
by rainbowgirl28

Re: Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:29 am
by vaultmd
That's cool.

Re: Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:01 pm
by VaultNinja
I'm normally for sale, but my heart lies with my tuxedo. You are awesome for doing this though. Maybe I could wear some of your stuff off the runway. Actually I'm still waiting to find out if I jump in the big show, so maybe I'm not worth the effort. They don't tell us until the night before. Getting in would be a first for me. I'm generally the first guy off the list.......every year :(

But this is really amazing that your willing to do this. I send my respect.

Re: Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:44 pm
by fdavaulter
Money is still available....
Paul if you want to wear my club stuff for the weekend and warm ups :) I can work something out
email me

Re: Get money to help jump in reno!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:06 am
by VaultNinja
fdavaulter wrote:Money is still available....
Paul if you want to wear my club stuff for the weekend and warm ups :) I can work something out
email me

Is that you Steffen? I had no idea! How the hell are ya?