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award announced for Tim Mack book

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:32 pm
by fieldguy
Cleveland Plain Dealer sports columnist Bill Livingston’s book on gold
medal pole vaulter Tim Mack --
“Above and Beyond: Tim Mack, the Pole Vault, and the Quest for
Olympic Gold” -- took a silver medal (second-best in the country) for excellence in sports books in
a recent competition conducted by ForeWord Magazine.

The magazine, which is the only review trade journal that is devoted
exclusively to independent publishers and authors. honored the best
books in 61 categories. ForeWord compiled results from readers,
librarians and booksellers in rating the winners, based on editorial
excellence, professional production, originality of the narrative,
author credentials relative to the book, and the value the book adds to
its genre. Bill’s book was published by Kent State University Press.

Re: award announced for Tim Mack book

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:07 pm
by Bubba PV
What an awesome book!! I've read it three times. Well deserved!! Bubba