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Men's National Records
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:37 pm
by roger/over
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:21 pm
by BethelPV
how can Dmitri Markov own the National Record for both Australia and that other country, Belaraus I believe it was...Did he set the record at Belaraus, and then become a citizen of Australia and set that National Record? Just curious how that works...
Re: question...
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:41 am
by lonestar
BethelPV wrote:how can Dmitri Markov own the National Record for both Australia and that other country, Belaraus I believe it was...Did he set the record at Belaraus, and then become a citizen of Australia and set that National Record? Just curious how that works...
Yep, that´s what he did. Now I hear he trains in the U.S. in Phoenix, go figure.
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:29 am
by vaultmom
yes that is what he did. He spent years training with Alan Laundis who was the national coach in Australia . I would be interested to know if he is still in Phoenix... anyone know ?
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:54 pm
by wacky274
He was here for awhile, last thing that i've heard is that he is no longer here... not 100% though