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Europe postponed for Stuczynski

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:22 am
by SuhrSports
Hey everyone, some people are emailing me wondering why Jennifer wont be competeing in Lausanne, so ive posted a quick update on our site. She should hopefully be back soon as it is nothing too major. I'll try to keep you posted on her status and when she will be heading over to compete.

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July 11, 2006 -- Injury Puts Stuczynski's European Tour on Hold

Due to a quad pull during the week of US Nationals, Stuczynski has been forced to postpone her trip to compete in Europe this summer. Stuczynski said she wanted to compete at the nationals despite the injury because she had worked hard during the season and wanted to jump for those who supported her. Stuczynski says the injury is getting better, but needs some more time before she is ready to compete again. She will be traveling to compete in Europe within the next few weeks, but the dates are still not known.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:49 am
by SuhrSports
Jennifer has finally arrived in Europe. Her quad is feeling better and she is ready to go. I will be posting updates about every 2 days or so on our website so you can follow her throughout Europe. She is currently in Italy, but they lost her poles in Germany, so its been a rough few first days.

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