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Run and plant help!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:31 pm
by Timm9
Ok so I'm having trouble with my steps or something and then converting to the planting. I run fast and smooth but when I get to the box to plant I do this studder stepping thing, this studder stepping is really slowing me down. I move my steps and try to redo getting my steps but no matter what I do it everytime. I know you may be saying it's just me as a habit doing it but I do it because my steps never seem to be right and I don't know how to fix it. I cleared 11 at my last meet while still having this problem but I'm sure this is keeping me from getting higher than what I can actually get. I don't know if this helps but i'm a sophmore and weight 132 and on a 140 12'9" pole. If you need any more info about it just ask. Help is appreciated.

Re: Run and plant help!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 pm
by drew
Your best bet is to go from short runs (approx. 6 steps) and then build back up to your full run.

Re: Run and plant help!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:48 pm
by MattM
Just do things short, and right, and then work your way up. Start with 3 strides and don't stutter step. Once you've got that then move to 4 strides. Once you've got that down move to 5 strides. If your PR is 11 then you should probably only be going from a 6 stride anyways, so after you've been going from 5 move to a 6. Odds are you're going to have to re-adjust your steps too since you won't be stutter stepping.

Re: Run and plant help!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:34 pm
by Timm9
MattM wrote:Just do things short, and right, and then work your way up. Start with 3 strides and don't stutter step. Once you've got that then move to 4 strides. Once you've got that down move to 5 strides. If your PR is 11 then you should probably only be going from a 6 stride anyways, so after you've been going from 5 move to a 6. Odds are you're going to have to re-adjust your steps too since you won't be stutter stepping.

Thanks. I'll work on doing that tomorrow. I need to get it right because are conference meet is thursday and so I really don't want to humiliate myself.

Re: Run and plant help!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:52 pm
by KirkB
The advice you've been given on here so far is good. :yes:

I'd just like to add that it might help if you mark EVERY step on the runway with tape. Not in a meet ... just in practice. You'll need help in spotting EVERY step, then putting down the tape. Then when you run, you should run by hitting EVERY tape mark. Do this WITHOUT the pole ... and WITH the pole.

This will implant the idea in your brain that there's a set length for EVERY step, and you MUST have a consistent running pattern ... with somewhat equal stride lengths ... NO STUTTER STEPS!

Measure the distance between each tape mark. If they're not consistent, then adjust them slightly so that they ARE consistent. Don't worry if the last step or 2 are a little shorter than the rest ... that's actually good.

Repetition ... repetition ... repetition ... until your "bad habit" disappears.
