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Help on Invert PLEASE!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:12 pm
by cheo971030
Hey Im a second year pole vaulter and my PR is 10'6". My coach is constantly telling me that if I was to Invert myself more and hold on to the pole longer until jumping that I could probably get to 12' within a week. Although I guess the concept seems easy I really get freaked out that If I do that Ill crack my head open.
He also said that as soon as I see the bar I push my feet horizontally instead of vertically, because I just want to clear it.
If anybody could please give me some help or maybe some excirsises to get me in the right position, I would greatly appreciate it.


Re: Help on Invert PLEASE!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 6:41 pm
by VaulteRachello
cheo971030 wrote:as soon as I see the bar I push my feet horizontally instead of vertically, because I just want to clear it.

i have the same problem :( i wish i could help, i would definitely be interested in suggestions people have about that.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:03 pm
by lilspike333
^ me too! Today my coach said I was looking right at the crossbar as I passed over it and that my legs were horizontal. I get inverted in rollbacks all the time, but I never seem to remember to do it when I'm doing a real jump.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:25 pm
by CHC04Vault
If i could magically get better in one aspect in my jump...def what i do at the top of my jump.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:26 pm
by TechDragon
I can't get inverted either, haha nobody on our team can.

Anyhow, we do those drills where you put the spongee rope higher a little higher than your PR and then you hold a little lower on the pole. As you go up, try to touch the rope with both your feet. That's the only drill I can think of that you don't need special equipment for other than the normal vaulting stuff.

Hope that helps...

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:50 pm
by izzystikchik
Well, i'm kinda like you in a way with the PR and the potential of jumping higher aspect too, if you're talking about trying to get inverted, then i'm assuming your addressing "rolling back"/ "rocking back". I've been hitting it hard lately with a cross bar and really trying to get my hips above my top hand grip. Its really hard to balance at times and other times the timing is off like i'lll hit it on the way up or down even though my hips were well above.

My philosophy of trying to improve anything in the vault or fix something lies in two aspects 1. your run, and 2. your take off. If these things are tweaked to perfection you'll find that it will be easier to preform the vault as a whole. And it will be more of a natural step of getting inverted rather than you yourself trying to make your body get inverted.

If your plant more so your top hand is at its full extention and your trail leg straight and sweeping your hips will come through naturally with the aid of your rowing arms. Concentrate on where your feet and hands are you won't really think about yourself being inverted necessarily. Watching your hands/feet and moving with the flow vault will be more than enough to help you get upside down. Its more of a feel rather than a timing move, i don't really know how to explain it, but don't give up you'll get it sooner than you think if you really work at it ;)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:28 am
by bvpv07
Another thing to help you on the invert, make sure that you aren't throwing your head back in an attempt to get back. This makes your body arch a bit, causing your feet to go down, and making it impossible to get a quick invert.

Oh, and if I could have one magical power to help improve my vaulting I would want to be immune to injuries and have all the remains of injuries that I have go away. Then, I would actually be able to vault without pain or fear that I am going to have my hip, shoulder, or ankle pop out or give out. What a concept! I swear that some people, like me, are just prone to injuries. :(

Get Vertical in 2 Weeks

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 3:49 pm
by Bubba PV
This has worked for me forever but never more than after a two year layoff when I couldn't get upside down to save my life. Hope this helps! Bubba

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:24 pm
by fx
To address the part about pushing your feet out at the bar, think more about the process (meaning technique) than about clearing the bar. This will actually make you go higher because you wont shoot out too early. When I have some of my best vaults, all I remember is seeing sky. On those vaults I don't really look at the bar at all.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:36 pm
by Bubba PV
Looks from your photo that you don't have much problem getting upside down. You look REAL good as a matter of fact!! As far as not dropping your feet toward the bar, I got this drill from Anthony Curran at UCLA
Just click on the March 2005 Version link. Hope this helps! Bubba

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:53 am
by altius
See my post on BTB - 19/10/05 ;)