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Unread postby altius » Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:53 am

Sorry old chap - my ideas on that are outlined in B2B -at least in so far as they apply to Adelaide. Of course there are changes in emphasis as the athlete matures but the fundamental principles remain the same. In the early days phun is THE critical component - while the word training does not exist - this gradually reverses but the phun must always be there to some extent/ . read my first book "PLay Practice, a games approach to teaching and coaching sports". It emphasises the importance of both phun and enjoyment - two different things - when striving for high levels of performance but especially when working with youngsters.

Anyway if I put my ideas forward in this forum I face the same problem as with the original theme/ I am not going down that route again. Happy to discuss it with you at length in February. :( :no:
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fun- games

Unread postby Decamouse » Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:06 am

Did similar phun/fun games in HJ training for years - HJ horse - working on basic technique but scoring points for what level or how well it was accomplished -
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Unread postby master » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:05 am

Tonight I saw reference to a PBS special for TV and immediately thought of this topic. An article about it is on the Oregonian web pages. I don't know whether the rest of the country knows who Bill Bowerman was, but in the Northwest he is well known. If nothing else, think Steve Prefontaine and shoes and Bill Knight and Nike. Anyway, here is a quote of Bill's from the show:
"I was a schoolteacher and an athletic coach. I think I was a good coach. But I was a good coach because I was a teacher."

- master

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Unread postby altius » Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:14 pm

Suggest you let it go Master - very few contributors to PVP believe that a teaching background provides a basis for effective coaching - although it clearly does so. The old saying "They dont know enough to know how little they know" sums it up. Unfortunately it means that few of these folk really make any attempt to understand the principles of instruction and how this can make a coach more effective and efficient. So "Move on" old son. :confused:
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Unread postby AVC Coach » Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:03 pm

Suggest you let it go Master - very few contributors to PVP believe that a teaching background provides a basis for effective coaching - although it clearly does so. The old saying "They dont know enough to know how little they know" sums it up. Unfortunately it means that few of these folk really make any attempt to understand the principles of instruction and how this can make a coach more effective and efficient. So "Move on" old son.

If you have such a low opinion of the PVP contributors, why do you bother? I am sincere with my question. I enjoy building others up and I can't imagine what pleasure you could get out of continuously ridiculling almost everyone on this board.

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Unread postby altius » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:52 pm

"I enjoy building others up".

Dont we all - but I suspect you would have to see me actually teaching youngsters to believe that this is also my philosophy - although you could ask Rick Baggett, Todd Cooper, Mark Hannay, Bubba Sparks, Tim Beach, Paul Omi, Larren Bailey, Jeremy Bailey or Rusty Shealy - all of whom have seen me work with youngsters in this country. You could even ask the Physical Education Teacher Education doctoral students at Ohio State who I have been working with this week.

However in addition to being humanistic in their approach, coaches have an immense responsibility to be professional - if only to avoid being responsible for the deaths of their athletes. On the basis of what I saw at Reno recently it is clear that many coaches do not understand even the basic principles of either the instructional or the coaching processes. If you expect me to make nice on this topic you will have to wait a long time - a very long time. :devil:
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Unread postby AVC Coach » Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:49 pm

My question had nothing to do with your knowledge, experience or abilities. I think everyone on this board understands the extent of your expertise.

You mock and belittle several good people in these forums, including the creater of this site (SWMBO). I guess I fail to see the humor or professionalism in it.

Please enlighten us as to the teaching strategy being used here.

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Unread postby altius » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:38 pm

A forum is just that a forum - just as in any forum, you put your views and then must be prepared to accept the comments - critical or otherwise by others. I suspect that SWMBO -who incidentally makes it very clear that she must be obeyed - understands the position - and anyway she got her own back by filming - and publishing - my work without my permission!

However I would be interested in the examples of me belittling 'good' people - disagreeing with them yes - but belittling them only when their ideas are patently ludicrous or have no basis outside their own - often limited - experience. Ideas incidentally which have the potential to confuse novices who come to this site. Incidentally does 'good' mean they are nice people or that they actually know something about coaching the vault?

"My question had nothing to do with your knowledge, experience or abilities."
That statement, along with other comments and questions still suggests that you do not believe that I understand the importance of personal interaction in the coaching process. Because I am a teacher - and a good one -I not only represent that in my work with people but can explain exactly why it is important to effective coaching. I come from the other side of the planet but in only three years, I have established great relationships with a large number of US coaches and athletes - why else would I be invited to return this summer for as many clinics as I can fit in - or be invited to return to Ohio State in june to work in the area of pedagogy?

I suggest that if you want to continue this dialogue , you do it through the private message system - but that is up to you of course.
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Unread postby htheodore » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:28 am

What is SWMBO?

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Unread postby master » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:25 am

htheodore wrote:What is SWMBO?

I believe it is She Who Must Be Obeyed

- master

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:31 am

I think the biggest point of contention here is that (in my opinion) you (alan) come across as saying you can only be a good coach if you have a teaching background, whether that is your intention or not. I don't think anyone is contesting the fact that a teaching background gives you the tools to potentially become a good coach.
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:38 am

altius wrote:anyway she got her own back by filming - and publishing - my work without my permission!

It wasn't your event, it was Rick's, you were a guest speaker. Rick is fired up I got some of your stuff online. If you don't want me to put any of your work online, take that up with Rick next time you come out and I will save myself the drive down.

In case you didn't watch the clip, I encouraged everyone to go to and buy your book. Pretty sure you'll be making more money off me publishing the video than I will. That probably means next to nothing for both of us.

Anyway, this thread is getting contentious and nothing new has been added.


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