Pole Plant Rotation?
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:56 pm
The question I'm trying to ask is: During the plant sequence, when the top hand on the pole transitions from your hip to over your head, what is the proper way the pole should rotate in your hands? I've vaulted and been told the top hand should never slip on the pole and the pole slips/rotates in the BOTTOM hand. Right? A top hand that would slip is fairly hard to do, especially when you have/wear a sticky top hand. I've noticed lately in some world class vaulters that there seems to be a re-grip of the top hand around the head area. Are they just readjusting their fingers or is the pole slipping a little in the top hand? With someone such as myself that probably doesn't have very flexible wrists, this pole movement from hips to overhead, has always felt awkward in the rib area of the pole flip. I also notice with a firm stationary top grip that it's hard to keep a straight vertical path without round-housing a bit during the flip. Do other vaulters feel this awkwardness also? There is a second part to this question that I'll share later in the post.