HELP: crappy vault at 12

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HELP: crappy vault at 12

Unread postby TylerPorter11 » Thu May 24, 2007 10:26 pm

here is a bad vault at 12

i had two bad days in a row but managed to squeak over

i know im still not getting completely inverted and im turning a split second to late
Tyler Porter
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Unread postby bel142 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:38 pm

One thing I think you do really well, is your run, you could stand up a bit better and lift your knees a bit better, and that will loose some of your back kick, but your run looks to be very good.

Your pole carry is okay, you have some unnecessary movement in there when you pump the pole back and forth too much... Flapping your arms is better than pumping back and forth. You flap a little, and you pump a little, too much movement on the run with just slow you down, and make directing your energy a little more difficult.

Also your take off position is not that bad, however you have a bit of a dip in your body position right after your plant, that come from sitting on the pole rather than keeping pressure going up into the pole.

You have an okay pull through, you get your hands to about your chin then you give up beucase your over the bar. Keep pulling and get to turning over and then start pushing, to get up higher, If you can master that then grab five more pounds of pole and start having a great push off.

Just a few thoughts. Hope this helps.

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Unread postby powerplant42 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:48 am

This is an easy concept to understand, but a really tough one to get used to doing: A pre-jump into a free take-off into a strong follow-through. Now, you see, you load the pole while your still on the ground. This can slow down your vault some. If you can leave the ground, a few hundreths of a second before your pole hits the back of the box, then you'll jump much higher. You can even greatly improve without that pre-jump, if you just get used to the idea of a free, non-loaded take-off. However, a good take-off is almost useless without a strong follow through. I'm preaching Bubka and Petrov's philosophies here, so listen up! The follow-through is one of the most important phases of the vault, and is essential to chain theory/the Petrov model. Bubka said it himself to Alan Launder in Jamaica, that if there was one piece of advice he could give to a vaulter he had never seen before, it was to continue to push the pole past take-off.

So, if you can get those concepts down and hit a really big 'C' position, then you can have a much better swing-up, making inversion much easier. Those are my thoughts.

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