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Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:39 pm
by darrylking15
I really need help with my pole vaulting skills. Im only vaulting 9 feet and I tried to extend my grip on the pole but its not bending at all so im falling back into the pit please help!
I have been doing this less than 3 months
Im 5'4 135 pounds
grip is at 10 on a 13 foot pole

Re: Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:23 pm
by altius
Go to Neovault and but a copy of the DVD - From Beginner to Bubka - It will help solve your problems.

Re: Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:43 pm
by coachjvinson
First off....
You are doing a GREAT job!!!!
Your four Step run (four Rights as you are a lefty) is "Spot On"!!!!

1) Do not worry so much about the pole bending right now.
2) Work your grip up an inch or two inches at a time
3) the deciding factor to move your grip up is determined by how far/deep you are landing in the pit: if you are stalling out, you moved it up too much...
4)When you have reached a point where you cannot move the grip up and still land safely/deep in the pit, then it is time to move your run back
5)In general, as you move your grip up 3 inches, move your run back 3 inches - If you feel like you plant the pole and jump and there is a "delay" or a "pause" you can compensate for this by moving your grip up without moving the run back if you are landing deep in the pit OR keep the grip the same and move the run up slightly - a small delay/pause is good... FYI/IMHO
6) You will probably move your run back by 11 or 12 feet (or somewhere in the middle) when you go back to 5Lefts/steps (Rights in your case as you are a Lefty) and then again when you go back to 6"Rights"
7)Keep a journal of your run length/grip height/ and pole size as well as any other notes that are helpful - keep this journal and write in the journal every workout and every competition
8)Keep posting videos and Keep asking questions: you are doing a great job - as you do all of the aforementioned items, the pole will start to bend at the right time and not a moment sooner - I would guess that will be around 6/7"rights with your grip increased inch by inch as described above...

Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!

Re: Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:58 pm
by coachjvinson
1 more item...
Instead of picking your feet up to clear the bar, think of swinging your right leg through: your left leg will already be bent from the take off and jumping action...
try to swing the right leg through to your top hand or higher...
practice swinging on the bars at school or on the play ground: or better yet, if your phys ed instructor or your track coach has gymnastics rings or a gymnastics high bar with a safety mat a school, that will be even better. Also, you can look for a private gymnastics club in your area and ask for open gym or private lessons: the skill needed to swing on the bars and rings will help you immensely when pole vaulting...

It appears that you are doing a great job of keeping your top hand/arm straight during the plant and swing: this is very important...
Nice Work...

Re: Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:32 pm
by darrylking15
thanks i really needed that and also I just PRed and got to 10 feet yesterday by raising my grip and moving back some
Any more suggestions??

Re: Help vaulting 9 feet

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:54 pm
by coachjvinson
darrylking15 wrote:thanks i really needed that and also I just PRed and got to 10 feet yesterday by raising my grip and moving back some
Any more suggestions??

Work on those items for a week or so and then post another video...
Congrats on the PR!!!