maxiverson wrote:Hi,
I've never seen or held any ESSX pole in my life, but as I'm reading some threads, I hear a lot of good things about them. I've tried a lot of different poles (pacer FX, pacer carbon, spirit, ...) and I prefer the UCS/Spirit. I was wondering what would be the major differences between the ESSX and the Spirit pole, because when my club will buy new poles, ESSX might be a good choice. Thanks in advance.
I just started jumping on ESSX poles and I used to jump on Spirits. Here are some of the reasons why I am making the change. Over the years I have had some huge hip hieght but have a hard time getting over bars (I land directly on them even though I have plenty of hieght) I have tried changing my technique, working on this, working on that, takeoff, run, swing, smaller poles, longer poles, lower grips, higher grips, so I have some horizantal travel over a cross-bar, but the same problem has persisted for the past 5 years or so. Finally I started reading about ESSX poles and heard that they carry you over the bar more horizantally than other poles. So I thought I would give it try. THEY DO. I have been playing around with them from short aproach and they have been great. I can get way back on the pole, and not worry about landing on the cross-bar all the time.
Also, the Essx pole is less forgiving at takeoff than a Spirit pole. You need to have a relatively precise takeoff. Which bothered me at first being so used to spirits, but then I realized that it is making me a better technicion because I am having better takeoffs over and over again in practice. And when you hit it right, man does it feel sweet.
One of the things that Essx has focused on is the fact that you aren't just loading energy into the pole when you take off, but also when you swing. I think they call it the double pendulum. This makes sense to the way the pole reacts to you. When I first tried the Essx pole, it felt like it was to stiff and I wasn't going to make the pits. Then finally I turned one up even though it felt stiff, and smoked the bar. Then I realized that I was so used to the way that my other poles felt it was preventing me from taking jumps up, when in reality the pole was a perfect fit. I think this goes back to the double pendulum theory.
The Essx pole also has a higher bend which I have heard of Elite athletes trying to acheive for years by cutting diffent lengths off the bottom of poles. The higher bend feels much better to me, plus the bottom of my poles are no longer getting beat to hell by scraping up against the front or sides of the box while bent.
I realize that every Pole Vaulter is different. But I feel that this pole is a match for me. I would suggest to anyone to try each pole brand (if possible) and find your match. And if you try Essx I bet you will be surprised out how great they feel. I was.