What was your biggest PR in one meet?

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What was your biggest PR in one meet?

Unread postby Azbeachboy1 » Wed Oct 23, 2002 12:49 am

What was the biggest PR youve ever gotten in one meet!

For me it was at NAU right befor my senior season got underway. My previous PR was 14'6. Then up in flagstaff, I felt like the runway was so fast and my plant was so high, I ended up jumping 15'7!!! Man I wish I could have another day like that! PR of 13 inches!
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Unread postby wacky274 » Wed Oct 23, 2002 1:48 am

freshman year, lol, pr was 12 6....went into the meet, and ended up jumping 14 feet that day....i was siked...there was a person there from a local newspaper ( i knew him semi-personally) and like his comment was "even if he hit that pit and died on impact, it would take me a week to pry that smile off his face with a crowbar" i love it
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Unread postby keulpv » Wed Oct 23, 2002 7:20 pm

I went from 15'1' TO 5.20 in one meet in high school. Then I jumped 16'6" the next weekend. It was one hell of a month!

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Oct 23, 2002 7:28 pm

I've never had a huge PR. A couple 6" ones. But my senior year I improved steadily from 8'2" indoors to 9'9" during the season and 10'6" that summer :)

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Unread postby VaultFreak » Wed Oct 23, 2002 8:03 pm

I was a sophomore and it was my first meet and I had only vaulted a little bit in practice, but at the meet I did 8' beat one of the other two girls who had done it the year before. And then last season (my junior year) my pr was 8'9" and I jumped 9'6 the week before regionals.
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Unread postby vaultin chris » Sun Oct 27, 2002 2:41 am

i am a sophomore in college now, but when i was a senior in high school I made a 19" improvement in one meet. It was at the dayton Roosevelt memorial meet. I went in with a previous outdoor best of 14' and i won the meet with a jump of 15'7". Two days later 15' and three days after that 15'6.
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Biggest PR

Unread postby PinkPoleVaulter » Sun Oct 27, 2002 2:44 pm

Hey guys. This is my first day on this site. I love it.
NE way, I had a PR of 8 feet after completing my sophmore year (May 2001). During the summer I went to camp (Clemson) and the next time I jumped in a meet (July 2001) I got 11 feet! :yes: What's that....3 feet Pr! To say the least, I was pleased.
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Unread postby swtvault » Wed Oct 30, 2002 10:25 am

I have had 2 occasions of 1 foot plus PR's. I went from 10-16'9 in a little over a year
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