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Unread postby jhesch » Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:39 pm

it ended up going very well. ive been in very little pain, sept a lot, and have cheeks the size of tennis balls. because of all the drugs however, when i firsst got up to use the bathroom, i passed out twice. other than that, all went well

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Out with the toofers

Unread postby vaultdad » Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:35 am

I was going to say "check out the surgeon first", because that's where most of the pain comes from. Good technique usually equals less pain.

Never take anythng drugs freestyle before surgery as it upsets the surgeon when he can't figure out why you went into a coma after the surgery . . .

I had one out just using novocaine, and didn't use anything else after that at all. It was however, a really discomforting sound you get in your ears when they're pulling it though. I think it hurt me worse watchng my child when he had go to the dentist for an extraction. Yeesch!
Vaulting Incognito "I saw those tubes on your truck, and I thought you were a plumber . . ."

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