Just curious to see what people say to this:
You know you are obsessed with pole vaulting when:

Russ wrote:Every time that you see an overpass sign on the road...you know...the signs that say stuff like "LOW CLEARANCE 12'4"" or "OVERPASS 14'2"", you can't stop yourself from thinking things like "Boy I can vault that high!" or "I sure hope that I can vault that high some day."
Guilty againRuss wrote:Every time that you see an overpass sign on the road...you know...the signs that say stuff like "LOW CLEARANCE 12'4"" or "OVERPASS 14'2"", you can't stop yourself from thinking things like "Boy I can vault that high!" or "I sure hope that I can vault that high some day."
uconnvaulta wrote:when you go to study for your final exams and you look back over your notes and on every page is a diagram of a little stick figure completing vaults with your goals next to it,
also when you check Polevault power before you check your normal email
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