Competing tomorrow (Saturday) for first time in 21 years...

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Competing tomorrow (Saturday) for first time in 21 years...

Unread postby OldTexVaulter » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:28 pm

The day has finally arrived. Have been training diligently for about 6 months and started jumping again about a month ago.

Although I've yet to run from farther than 40', I've managed to get over 11' gripping @ 10'6". So, at least I've not forgotten everything!!

Found myself a quality coach, and we're just gonna see what poles I can get on and how high I can safely grip tomorrow... Hopefully, I can jump 12' although I'll be plenty happy at 11' or 11'6" in a actual competition.

Wish me luck!!!

;) [/i]

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Unread postby lonestar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:12 am

Good luck :yes:

You should come jump at our River Vault next weekend in San Marcos:
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I already registered online...

Unread postby OldTexVaulter » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:16 am

Going to be in Houston from Wednesday through Friday for the Southwest Athletic Trainers Assoc. conference, then driving to San Marcos for the weekend. After that, headed to San Antonio from Sunday to the following Wednesday for the Texas High School Coaches Assoc. Convention.

See ya in San Marcos!!!


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Re: I already registered online...

Unread postby lonestar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:45 am

OldTexVaulter wrote:Going to be in Houston from Wednesday through Friday for the Southwest Athletic Trainers Assoc. conference, then driving to San Marcos for the weekend. After that, headed to San Antonio from Sunday to the following Wednesday for the Texas High School Coaches Assoc. Convention.

See ya in San Marcos!!!


Look forward to it - come introduce yourself at the meet - I'll be the guy running the thing and trying not to have a nervous breakdown - 96 entries and counting! :dazed:

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Unread postby OldTexVaulter » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:18 am

Thanks, Kris. I'll do that.... although I'll try to catch you at a time that's not so hectic if that's even remotely possible!!!

Hopefully, I'll have some digital photos to post tomorrow from the "Lake Cities Leap" in Lewisville as a friend of mine is planning to capture some images at the meet.


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Re: Competing tomorrow (Saturday) for first time in 21 years

Unread postby master » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:24 am

OldTexVaulter wrote:The day has finally arrived... Wish me luck!!!

I'm excited for you. Stay focused and stay safe, but have a great time! Coming back can have its problems, but it sure has been worth it for me. I hope it works out at least as well for you.

- master

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Re: I already registered online...

Unread postby lonestar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:25 am

lonestar wrote: 96 entries and counting! :dazed:


Make that 98!
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Unread postby OldTexVaulter » Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:38 pm

Well, things didn't go quite as well as hoped/planned.

I got out there, got good and warmed up and proceeded to take about 3 warmup jumps with no bar gripping very low from a 49' run. It was apparent to myself, my coach and another coach that I needed more pole and to grip higher.

On my first jump (no bar) with a 13'1" - 167 lb pole, I had what felt like a great takeoff and good warmup vault going when I sustained what appears to be a ruptured bicep tendon.

I will see an orthopod on Monday &/or Tuesday to confirm, but an ER nurse who happened to be present also believes it to be a ruptured tendon.

It's painful, but not that serious, and I should be back to training in 2-3 months.

Thanks to lonestar, and master, for the well wishes prior to today's Lake Cities Leap in Lewisville, TX.

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Unread postby master » Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:44 pm

:( Wow man. Sorry to hear that news. As has been said in many a post, the biggest obsticle for we masters vaulters is keeping our bodies whole. I'm glad you got quick attention to it and hope you take proper care since the amount of recovery time on many an injury is directly related to how soon and how well you tend to the injury. I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.

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Unread postby souleman » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:50 pm

Oh man I can feel for ya. Master hit it right on the head about these ol' bones that we all are religated to. Personally, I'm probably off a pole for about a month due to this pull in my lower gut that could be a slight hernia. So we'll be doing this recovery deal togeher. It's back to the bicycle,jogging and the swing set for me. (if any of you old guys are interested in what I'm doing with a swing set [other than reverting to my childhood] let me know). Keep us posted on your progress. Later.......Mike

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Unread postby Russ » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:15 am

This maybe should be the "Rehab Forum"?? ;)

I'm on the DL too. A week ago I landed on my right shoulder, just doing a simple drill. It's a little tender but not hurt badly. So I decided to focus on running. This morning I went out for a 2 mille run, and now I've got a sore left quad. I'm a veteran of 4 marathons but I've never had a sore quad before!

Oh boy. Maybe I'll just try to eat healthy for a couple of weeks instead of training. :)

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Unread postby OldTexVaulter » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:48 am

A quick update...

I just got home from visiting a local orthopod that I was referred to who did her residency with the group that works with the NY Mets and NY Giants, so I think I'm in good hands as far as a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon goes.

I will have my right distal biceps tendon surgically repaired on Wednesday, July 20 at noon. Then, three weeks in a splint/sling before I start on physical therapy. Everything should be back to normal and to 100% strength or greater in 4-6 months.

Thanks for all the well wishes both before and after the accident.


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