freshman record

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Unread postby ILUVPOLEVAULT » Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:26 pm

Scott Go Pre wrote:The men's freshman record is 16' 03.25" set by Jayson Lavender of Wichita Falls, TX back in 1987.

Sophomore record - 17' 06" by Jacob Davis back in 1994.
Junior record - 17' 07.25" by (non other) Tommy Skipper in 2002.
Senior record - 18' 03" by Tommy Skipper in 2003.

As for the girls, it was set by Allison Stokke with a height of 12' 08" on 6/5/2004.

Sophomore record - 13' 04" Stacy Manuel in 2000.
Junior record - 13' 05" Tiffany Maskulinski in 2004.
Senior record 13' 08.50" by Kira Costa in 2003.

the national sophmore record was also set by allison the height of 13'5 3/4 before she broke her tibia this past season! it will be nice seeing her come back this season and get the junior record seeing that her sophmore record already beat that !!!! good luck al!!
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Re: actually...

Unread postby CrossBarHOpper » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:49 pm

the national sophmore record was also set by allison the height of 13'5 3/4 before she broke her tibia this past season! it will be nice seeing her come back this season and get the junior record seeing that her sophmore record already beat that !!!! good luck al!!

somone tell that girl she is on fire seroulsy
hey guys! Abe Lincoln?
Sophmore PR 14'6"

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Unread postby thaone600 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:00 am

lonestar wrote: It's a diminishing return. Most high schoolers have no business running beyond 12-14 steps and actually will perform worse if they do.

the further you move back the bigger the pole you can get on and if you have a run that is consistant then running from 16 or 18 steps is very good to do but going back after that its not a good idea in high school

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Unread postby jomrus » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:21 am

Actually, it depends on how good your run is... If your run needs work then you might not get on a bigger stick from the longer approach. I know for a fact that when I was in high school I went from a 7 left approach and then tried the 8 left approach, and I didn't really get a whole lot more out of the approach. I mean... by all means try... but don't get caught up in the nonsense about jumping on bigger poles to go higher. You can jump pretty high just by working on technique. I say that now, but I would have done the same thing back in my high school years.

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Unread postby thaone600 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:42 am

i know not to get caught up in that stuff but i have a very good run i run a 4.5 40 so im really comin down the runway and i have a perfect plant so moving back for me is really easy.. the only thing i need to do is work more on the acual jump part and i think i can maybe break that 16 3.25 record because i jumped 14 6 holding 14 while throwing my head back and comeing out way too early and i have one of the best coaches in the nation helping me

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Unread postby CrossBarHOpper » Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:16 pm

whos ur coach
hey guys! Abe Lincoln?

Sophmore PR 14'6"

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Unread postby thaone600 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:18 pm

coach bob shank

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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:15 pm

i agree with mr. russell and the others who have said the same thing

on top of the fact that its harder to be consistant, and that depending on how you run you may not be any faster... if you do manage to be faster, you still have to be able to execute solid vaults when things are moving quicker. few people will argue it easier to have good technical jumps from short run than long..

thems the trade offs :P
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Unread postby souleman » Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:36 pm

One thing that nobody has mentioned is, maybe we should see a video. There are some extremely good "coaches" on this forum that , after seeing you jump, can better answer your questions for you, or at least give you something to think about. Just an idea. Later................Mike

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Unread postby lonestar » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:00 pm

thaone600 wrote:
lonestar wrote: It's a diminishing return. Most high schoolers have no business running beyond 12-14 steps and actually will perform worse if they do.

the further you move back the bigger the pole you can get on and if you have a run that is consistant then running from 16 or 18 steps is very good to do but going back after that its not a good idea in high school

True to a point, and that point is generally less than 16 or 18 steps. Generally. SOME can handle that or more, but FEW. I started coaching a kid whose biggest pole was a 1565 at 18 steps, moved him in and taught him how to take off, and now he's on a 1575 from 12 steps jumping 6" higher. No deceleration at takeoff anymore. We're aiming to eventually move to 16, but not unless he can accelerate all the way through the box under control.
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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:48 am

thaone600 wrote:i know not to get caught up in that stuff but i have a very good run i run a 4.5 40 so im really comin down the runway and i have a perfect plant so moving back for me is really easy.. the only thing i need to do is work more on the acual jump part and i think i can maybe break that 16 3.25 record because i jumped 14 6 holding 14 while throwing my head back and comeing out way too early and i have one of the best coaches in the nation helping me

How come ive never met anyone else besides highschoolers who claim to have a perfect plant? And usually people can jump about 2ft over their 8 step run from 16steps. So i would say jump 14ft from 8 steps and then you will be on pace.
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:43 am

souleman wrote:One thing that nobody has mentioned is, maybe we should see a video. There are some extremely good "coaches" on this forum that , after seeing you jump, can better answer your questions for you, or at least give you something to think about. Just an idea. Later................Mike

His coach is a member of this forum, and is definitely a great coach :)

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