Rachel Laurent sets (La) State Record

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Rachel Laurent sets (La) State Record

Unread postby bayouvaulter » Wed May 10, 2006 12:15 am

Vandebilt Catholic soph. Rachel Laurent jumps 13 ft. to break the Louisiana 4-A record by 2 feet and the composite record by 1 feet. The 4-A record was set last yr. by her team mate Jaycee Tanner and Sara O'neil of Alexander High at 11 ft. The composite record was set by Dana Rosenbladt in 2002. What makes Rachel's jump impressive is that she did it in the rain. It started to rain early in the meet so we decided to start jumping at lower heights. She came in at 9-10 when the rain started to fall. She wanted to make sure that it wasn't a down pour when she made her first jump. It never came down very hard but was a light rain fall for the rest of her jumps. The runway had water puddles down the center but meet officals ran a foam roller on the runway right before she jumped to help remove some of the water. After 10-8 she was the only competitor remaining, she then cleared 11 ft. tieing the 4-A record, then made 12-1 for the composite mark on her second attempt. The bar was moved to 13 ft. she cleared it on her 3rd attempt. The bar was raised to 13-4 for her pr. She had 2 close attempts. Her twin sister Amber jumped 10-4 for 4th place. Amber had a little harder time with the rain missing her pr by 8".
Good Luck to everyone at their state meet, I hope it's a sunny day :D
There's No Ceiling On Effort!!

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