Tyson Invitational

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Tyson Invitational

Unread postby CowtownPV » Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:26 am

Womens Pole Vault Invitational

NCAA Prov 4.00m 13-1 ½
Final Friday February 12
Progressions: 3.76, 3.91, 4.06, 4.21, 4.26, 4.31, 4.36, 4.41
Pl Athlete Name Affiliation Mark
1 Lacy Janson Nike 4.66m 15-3 ½
2 Jillian Schwartz Unattached 4.41m 14-5 ½
3 April Steiner-Bennet Asics 4.36m 14-3 ½
4 Tina Sutej SO Arkansas 4.31m 14-1 ¾
5 Katie Stripling SR Arkansas 4.31m 14-1 ¾
6 Rachel Laurent SO LSU 4.21m 13-9 ¾
7 Vica Shobe SR South Carolina 4.21m 13-9 ¾
8 Natalie Willer JR Nebraska 4.21m 13-9 ¾
9 Tara Diebold Unattached 4.06m 13-3 ¾
10 Jade Reibold FR Georgia 4.06m 13-3 ¾
11 Janice Keppler SR Arkansas 4.06m 13-3 ¾
12 Stephanie Duffy JR South Florida 3.91m 12-10
13 Katelyn Rodrigue SR LSU 3.91m 12-10
14 Jenny Soceka SR Wisconsin 3.91m 12-10
15 Lizbeth Mabry SR Florida State 3.91m 12-10
Winners find a way to win, losers find an excuse.

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