Second, I can't believe the meet directors put the men's pole vault, the DIAMOND LEAGUE event, at a place on the schedule that left the completely outside the TV window. They should have either put the men first, or put the women earlier so that TV could show them tape delayed (which they did anyway) and still have a chance to catch the men's competition.
Third, none of the camera crews stuck around to catch any of the men's pole vault.
Look, if Universal Sports is going to make a big deal about their Diamond League coverage, and charge $$$ for it, then I expect to see coverage of the DIAMOND LEAGUE events held at each meet. Frankly, when I gave them $$, I was expecting the European coverage. I was already streaming the NBC crap for free. The quality of the video wasn't even any better on Universal Sports. Also, Universal Sports couldn't even be bothered to update their T&F page to reflect that the meet was streaming live... they eventually got around to putting a link on the main page of the site, but only after the coverage had started.
The men's pole vault had a fantastic field, and it sounded like a very exciting competition. I wanted to watch it!!
Some comments from Facebook:
At least Jill got some love... NBC blows!
AGREED!!!!! Totally blows...although it was nice to see some well deserved love for Jilly.
The BIGGEST name in the meet got NO coverage and no intro during the lead in......WTF!?!?!
With Bolt out was there a bigger name than Hooker in the meet? I think not.
Yeah I wish I had seen Hooker vault today
All of the foreign Diamond League coverage on Universal Sports is really good. NBC showed how many events out of how many?
I was at the meet and NBC left long before the mens vault was over and the vault went longer than the running events so the majority of the crowd was gone too before vaulting was done.