Brockport Pole Vault Clinic

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Brockport Pole Vault Clinic

Unread postby vaulter894 » Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:26 pm

I know it is a little late to post this but I wanted to let everyone know about a PV clinic at Suny Brockport(about 15 miles/15 minutes west of Rochester) this upcoming Sunday April 10th. YOu can contact Coach Mark Krueger by phone: (585) 395-5353 or E-MAIL: Make sure you leave him your name, age, school, and phone number. There is a deadline for entries by mid to late wednesday April 6th. Right now we have about 20 people registered so far. The cost is 30 dollars and it should last from 11am-4pm. Their are 5 stations that will last an hour each. The stations are time in the gymnastics room, pool vaulting, short approach(3 lefts) vaulting and technique work, a pole run station to work on your main approach, and finally a rope vault station. The clinic will put you into different groups with 2 leaders for your group. Each station has one person who will stay as the main teacher of that station. I personally will be doing short approach work. We have made a dvd of all the drills we will do with you at the clinic and we added a few more since we will be able to do so many on sunday. The DVD will cost 5 dollars and will be for sale that day. To a limited number of people we are giving away a pole protector(goes on the bottom of the pole to protect it from the box) We will have about 40-50 protectors to give away. There will also be a cd or information packet we will give out to all participants

PM me within the next day and a half if you would like more information on it. My name is Chris. sorry about the lateness of the post.

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