Nutmeg State Games Start Lists 07-27-08

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Nutmeg State Games Start Lists 07-27-08

Unread postby Russ » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:16 pm

I'll be officiating on Sunday. The vault begins at 2:00 pm; women first and then men to follow. Good luck everybody!

Event 27 Women Pole Vault
Name Year School
1 104 Conant, Carolyn W
2 182 Salwen, Jessica W
3 384 Davis, Jess W
4 70 Sullivan, Allison E
5 242 Pizzo, Jillian North
6 344 Van Name, Meg South
7 202 Bees, Emily North
8 36 Johnson, Kimberly E
9 356 Quilla, Janica North
10 26 Garrido, Keila E
11 374 Parker, Teresa E
12 375 Pickford, Kaylan E
13 364 Gustavson, Annie South

Event 28 Men Pole Vault
Name Year School
1 105 Concepcion, Domenique W
2 129 Galli, Jonathan W
3 122 Escaravage, Justin W
4 383 Chang, Rudy W
5 99 Carroll, John W
6 255 Wickliff, Jonathan North
7 324 Naude, Brendhan South
8 139 Howell, Benjamin W
9 158 Marston, Michael W
10 30 Grumm, Jack E
11 33 Harbulak, John E
12 16 Davidson, Robert E
13 18 Fagnant, Jeffrey E
14 42 Laskoski, Nelson E
15 362 Fedor, Walter South
16 39 Lambert, Lance E
17 40 Lambert, Kyle E

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