Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

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Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Yes, the coach needs to watch every vault
No, the coach doesn't need to watch every vault
Yes, I give feedback every time
No, I don't give feedback every time
Sometimes I give feedback
Yes, you are negligent if you don't see the vault
No, you are are not negligent if you don't see the vault
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Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby vaulternick » Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:31 am

Which brings up a few extra questions:
1) Does a vault coach need to watch every vault?
2) Do you give feedback after every vault?
3) Would you be considered negligent if an accident happened and you didn't see a vault?

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby ashcraftpv » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:41 pm

vaulternick wrote:Which brings up a few extra questions:
1) Does a vault coach need to watch every vault?
2) Do you give feedback after every vault?
3) Would you be considered negligent if an accident happened and you didn't see a vault?

1) yes
2) yes
3) you wouldn't be negligent for not watching the accident itself, but I'd consider a coach negligent (and pretty stupid) for not watching jumps where bad technique was being used that wasn't corrected that caused the accident.

If you're not going to watch every jump and offer feedback after each, however small, then why are you out there coaching in the first place?

Have I missed a vault or two during the thousands of practice and competition vaults i've witnessed? sure, but never intentionally....
Personally, i'm a bit surprised that you'd even have to ask these questions. Is there a reason why you are asking?
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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby golfdane » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:49 am

Ideally, it would be nice if I watched EVERY aspect of every jump, but sometimes athletes start their run-up while giving feedback to another athlete, and I fail to catch the plant or take-off.

I would really like a full implementation of the video system from, but since we train at a lot of different places, would it be hard to implement (it would take valuable time to set up every time). The software is actually free, so if you have a firewire video camera, a laptop with firewire interface and a volunteer to operate......

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby vcpvcoach » Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:02 pm

Yes, a coach should see every vault even during practice. I look at it this way. I was hired as an insurance policy to make sure my vaulters are vaulting safely. Accidents happen but my guidance should limit a major accident from happening.

Look, I not only coach the vault, which by the way is my best event, but also hurdles and high jump. I'm giving up the hurdles because the vault takes most of my time. The high jump pits are in the same end zone so I can position myself to see both during practice. Also, when I'm away from the vault, my athletes work on pole runs or sliding box drills both of which are extremely important to the success of out program.

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby golfdane » Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:13 pm

Somehow, I'm misunderstanding the question....? I don't let my athletes jump, unless I'm around (by the pit), or a coach I trust.

Safety is an issue, but there's not anything I can do, to prevent accidents from happening, other than making sure their technique is sound (important part of basic training), and the equipment is safe, and they aren't goofing around (in which case, they don't jump for a while).

I don't leave the pit area while people are jumping, but even though I try catch every jump, jumps do happen (perhaps 2-5 jumps in a session with 4-5 vaulters), where I don't see the entire jump (usually because of giving feedback to the previous jumper).

So, IMHO, while it is desirable for a coach to be able to give feedback on every jump, do I see some problems in doing so. However, I strive to watch all jumps, but realises that I probably can't (can't ask for my athletes to keep tab on when they have my full attention WHILE they are trying to jump their best).

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby AeroVault » Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:33 pm

I've had the same problem at practices... I only catch a jump out of the corner of my eye because I'm giving feedback to the previous vaulter. I don't see this as negligent, just a product of being the only coach with over a dozen vaulters.

Feedback is great, and a coach should try to give some every time, especially with beginners. At times I rely on the more experienced vaulters to help with feedback, but my favorite is to give each athlete something to look for. Usually, it is an area of their vault that they need to work on. That athlete, no matter the skill level, can watch the jump and take something away from it. It seems to help the kids develop a "coaches eye" too.

To answer the question, a vault coach needs to watch every vault until he/she feels comfortable that the athlete can consistently vault safely. This typically means beginners, but could also be a veteran on a new pole, or anybody on a windy day.

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:49 am

I believe that watching each vault as a coach is not an option but a responsibility. It's the contract you make with each athlete that you allow to be an athlete with you. Personally I'm blessed to have obtained a personal copy of Dartfish a few years ago. I set up an "In The Action" session before each practice and I video just about every jump...not runthroughs or "give ups" unless there's something in the take off that is worth studing. Then as they get out of the pit that jump is replaying on the laptop. So they get instant slow mo frame by frame feedback immediately after the effort. Then I'll get home and email them back the vaults that have really valuable information to that individual athlete so that they have all of their progress documented and on their computers..It is a very effective approach..I highly recommend the Dartfish tools. They are awesome!

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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby bjvando » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:14 pm

could i borrow the cash to buy it ;)
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Re: Does a Vault Coach need to watch every vault?

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:25 pm

BJ, dude! Not bragg'n but I wheeled and dealed a copy for free!!!! Awesome tool~

Mike says Tygre is doing pretty darn good! Good job!

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