pole progression

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science geek
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pole progression

Unread postby science geek » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:34 am

how many poles do you have in your progression. I am especially interested in the high school coaches selection. I have 25, but most of them are small (none that are more than 14')

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:55 am

This is the pole series we are using this summer at King's for practice, since i don't need to worry about weight ratings or maximum handhold. I am tweaking it as the kids move through poles and I can see what fits where.

10'6 100 Pacer III
11' 115 Rocket
11'6 110 Spirit
12' 110 Spirit
12' 110 Spirit (at least 5lbs stiffer than the other 110)/11'6 130 Pacer
12'4 118 ESSX/11'140 Mystic
12'4 123 ESSX
12'4 127 ESSX
12'4 136 ESSX
12' 150 PacerFX
12'6 145 PacerFX
12'6 150 PacerFX
12'6 155 PacerFX
12'6 160 PacerFX
13'150 Spirit
13'155 Spirit
13'160 Spirit - but I gotta do something here because the 160 is actually softer than the 155 and it's a bit of a jump to the next pole now.
14'145 Spirit that someone (not at my school) chopped 6" off the bottom
14'150 Spirit
14'160 Spirit
14'165 Spirit
14'170 Spirit
14'6 170 PacerFX
15' 175 Spirit (it's a jump to this pole, but I think it will be a bit until I have any boys on poles that big)

So 24 poles, plus we have a good 24 more in the rafters between mine and King's that overlap with this series.

We have a 13'155 Skypole as well, I might eventually get a 13'160, 13'6 155 and 13'6 160 Skypole (we already have a 13'6 165) to fill in that gap and help the boys stay on poles over their weight. I don't think we have had too many boys under 150lbs get on 14' poles since I have been around.

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Unread postby Barto » Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:22 pm

Here at the university, we have about 105 poles between 10'6/80 and 16'/210. However, I have helped many schools start from scratch buying 3 poles per year. Within 3 years they have pretty nice series of poles.

year 1
13'/130, 13'/145, 13'/160
year 2
14'/150, 14'/160, 14'/170
year 3
15'/155, 15'/160, 15'/165

year 1
11'/120, 11'/130, 12'/120
year 2
12'/130, 12'/140, 13'/130
year 3
13'/140, 13'/150, 13'/160

science geek
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Unread postby science geek » Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:21 pm

this is my progression, like I said it is on the short and small side. However I haven't had a pole vaulter that weighs more than 145lbs.

Pole length Wt Rtg Flex # Notes
11’5 110 9.9 Altius
11’5 120 9.15 Altius
11’5 130 8.8 Altius
11’5 140 8.2 Altius
12’4 120 8.4 Altius
12’4 130 7.7 Alitus
12’4 140 6.7 Altius
12’4 150 6.15 Altius
12’4 165 5.7 Altius
13’3 135 8.9 Altius
13’3 140 8.2 Altius
13’3 150 7.7 Altius
13’3 155 7.25 Altius
13’3 165 6.85 Altius
13’3 175 6.2 Altius
13’3 180 5.7 Altius
13’3 185 5.2 Altius
14’3 150 8.25 Altius
14’3 150 7.9 Altius
14’3 160 7.35 Altius
14’3 165 6.9 Altius

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Unread postby ADTF Academy » Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:13 pm

All spirits

10-8 65 To 120 every 10 pound increments after 90 (about 5 poles)
11-6 90 to 140 every 10 pound increments (about 6 Poles)
12-1 90 to 160 every 10 pound increments (about 8 Poles)
13-1 100 to 180 every 5 pound increments (about 17 Poles)
13-7 170 and 180 (2 poles working on this series)
14-1 130 to 185 every 5 pound increments (about 12 Poles)
14-7 140 to 185 every 5 pound increments (about 10 Poles)
15-1 140 to 190 every 5 pound increments (about 12 Poles)
15-7 170 to 195 every 5 pound increments (about 6 Poles)
16-1 175 to 190 every 5 pound increments (about 5 Poles

Total of roughly 85 poles still working on the longer and stiffer poles.

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