"The Bible"

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Lax PV
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Posts: 571
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2003 10:02 pm
Expertise: Former HS and college vaulter, college and HS level coaching, CSCS certified
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Location: The Woodlands, TX

"The Bible"

Unread postby Lax PV » Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:40 pm

So I have seen many coaches that have an abundance of resource in a binder that they keep as a quick reference to help in the vault... or at least something interesting to give people so they have an idea of your coaching philosophy. So I thought, why shouldn't I have one of those.

I am starting to put together a binder with all the stuff that I have, and I was wondering if poeple would be willing to share .pdf files, or word documents or diagrams (...whatever you've got) to get me started. I am open to anything from technique to training, to mechancis, to pole progressions... you name, I'll probably want it.

Thanks for your help in advance :yes:

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