USATF Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Background Check

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USATF Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Background Check

Unread postby souleman » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:50 pm

I recieved this e-mail today from USATF and I thought I'd post it here.

USATF Implements Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Criminal Background Check Program
USATF has implemented changes to its Youth Club: Coach/Volunteer Criminal Background Check Program that provide a better foundation to successfully meet the three main goals of the program; to:

* Promote a safe, nurturing, and supportive athletic environment in which youth athletes can pursue their athletic goals;
* Provide an environment where parents can feel good about allowing their child to participate in the sport of track & field; and
* Maintain the sport of track and field as a hostile environment for those who would seek to harm youth athletes.

The main change is the process in which coaches/volunteers of USATF youth clubs submit their personal information for their yearly criminal background screen. Rather than having the background checks performed at the Association (local) level, the new process will be done on online using a system provided by TC logiQ, one of the leading providers of online criminal background screening to non-profit youth based organizations.

After two years of using a "decentralized" system of screening USATF youth club coaches and volunteers, it was determined that a centralized process would provide the best avenue for improving the program across the country. "We will now have a system that is consistent and easier to communicate to all USATF member clubs, coaches, volunteers, and parents" said USATF Director of Grass Roots Programs Andy Martin. "Our constituents were asking for a more private and secure process to submit their information and have their background checks reviewed and this change is a response to their requests."

Additionally, the term in which the background screens are valid has changed slightly from previous years. Each screen is now valid until the end of the USATF membership year during which the background screen was submitted. This means that all background screens now expire on December 31. This change was adopted so the background screens were "in line" with the USATF membership year.

All Coaches/volunteers who have direct contact with youth athletes during registered club practices should verify if they are current with their background check by visiting the online list of coaches/volunteers in good standing.

Club personnel, coaches athletes, and parents are encouraged to review the updated information on the program, including the updated Frequently Asked Questions page and the List of Coaches/Volunteers in Good Standing.

Click here to review the information and submit your background screen.

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Re: USATF Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Background Check

Unread postby vcpvcoach » Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:41 pm

I had to have two FBI background check for adopting my two children. No big deal. This can only make our sport safer for the kids.

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Re: USATF Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Background Check

Unread postby souleman » Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:53 pm

I thoroughly agree!

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Re: USATF Changes to Youth Club Coach/Volunteer Background Check

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:31 pm

They adopted background checks a few years ago, this makes it way easier for coaches to get them done.

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