What u eat in ur Breakfast ?

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Re: What u eat in ur Breakfast ?

Unread postby dj » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:01 am

David F.”DJ” Johnston

Becoming a World Class Athlete takes tremendous God given talent. But there is much, much more to using that talent properly. The first and most important steps are here on this page. You must treat your body and yourself with respect. The body and the workings of the muscles are a phenomenal “machine” and with the proper care it will give you great results.

These things “MUST” be managed correctly………


DIET: Proper food or “fuel’ for the system is easy, the athlete must simply develop the correct “routine” for their day. Start with a “normal” breakfast by 9:00 am or earlier. This is followed by a small healthy “snack” by mid-morning. Then Lunch with some oranges either before or after the afternoon training session. A moderate dinner is the last meal of the day and should be completed by 8/9 pm. Weight and “body fat” will not be an issue if the Diet and Training are controlled correctly.

In general the diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains. Over indulgence in highly processed, "bad" carbohydrates and "fast" foods such as pizza, burgers, etc, whole milk products such as cheese, butter and fried foods will hinder performance. The latest scientific research shows that the start of your day (breakfast) is the most important meal of the day and this meal should consist of protein of 30+ grams. While non-athletes should have a protein to carbohydrate ration of one to one and an athlete can (based on an increased level of exercise) have a ratio higher than this, but to build muscle and eliminate fat the ratio should be no higher than two grams of carbohydrate to one gram of protein. Caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products are major users of oxygen and will not allow the “system” to function properly. Correct vitamin supplements should be included in the daily diet.

REST/SLEEP: One of the main “keys” to a strong body and utilization of oxygen lies in this item. A “correct” day would include the evening “before” and start by “resting’ and preparing to sleep by 11:00 pm. The morning should include at least four (4) days of Gym (weights or flexibility) training per week. Then you will have lunch and rest. The afternoon will have a physically demanding training session which will require that you have dinner and sleep to prepare you for the next day.

TRAINING: Training includes 4 morning, moderate sessions and 5/6 afternoon sessions of training per week. The volume and intensity of these sessions must be designed correctly.

PRESERVATION OF OXYGEN IN THE SYSTEM: Sleep is the only way the body restores itself. It is the only time that the energy stores are replenished and muscles are regenerated.

Live, Train and Compete as a professional.


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