Montgomery and Jones

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Unread postby theflyingkorean » Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:28 pm

Congrats on her making for Long Jump. Boo ya!

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:59 pm

ok, for everyone that points to the men that have been in her life, there is more to it than just that. i think her life is track and field so of course she would probably be involved with t&f athletes. and also, t&f athlete often use PED's so, the likelyhood of her being involved with a drug user is magnified. i personally will not believe anything until she tests positive. let her compete. there are pleny of dirty athletes out there that deserve this(the negative attention) more than her

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Unread postby Beam » Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:55 pm

What's frustrating is this. . . Marion Jones gets more media attention for doing poorly than regular athletes do for having PBs or great meets. I'm personally upset that she leads the track and field world with pub. There are plenty of clean athletes out there who are interesting enough to be put in the spotlight. She's awesome at what she does. . . it's the medias fault for being naive about who is talented in track and field. And it is our fault for not voicing more of our opinions of who we'd like to see interviews of, articles on, and interest stories about. There would be a front page article of Marion "Dropping out of the 200" before you'd see a headliner about how Brian Clay beat Tom Pappas in the Decathelon.
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montgomery and jones

Unread postby vaultmom » Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:00 pm

I agree I can't stand the way the media handles TV let alone the print.. and that is because scandal is always more interesting then success ( so they think ) And I cant stand the TV commentators... They waste so much time yakking about nonsense I want to scream. Good for Clay he did awesome in the big D. And what about Allyson Felix in the 200 she is the bomb. fresh new talent
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