altius wrote:"we must be seeing diffferent video.." That may indeed be the case -so what are you seeing dj? Funny never got an answer to that? What about the latest clip - what do you see there??
Well folks it doesnt matter what you see there because there is no new Hooker swing! Alex got back to me last night and made it clear what he thinks about this issue -unfortunately he forgot Perth is 2 1/2 hours behind Adelaide and woke me up -so I was not at my best when he gave me his take on this.
He DOES NOT CARE what the athlete does in that phase of the vault! He focusses on only two things. The run and take off - and the amount of energy the athlete gets back at the top of the vault after covering the pole. Many of his athletes keep their knee up - including Budge, Vikki and Liz - others do not. It seems that Steve is in the middle, responding intuitively to what has happened at take off. So re the Sydney jump Alex says it was a b......t jump because Steve was way under at take off -over striding over last five steps. They worked on that and in Doha he took off at 4.40m.
Here are some pictures taken from video(s):
At 570 he is holding knee high:
At 6.01 he is dropping the knee:
At 6.16 he is also dropping the knee and hold it down little bit longer: