Need to get on a bigger pole

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Need to get on a bigger pole

Unread postby GiVaulter09 » Mon May 28, 2007 4:55 pm

Right now im using a 13'7 171.6 Essx pole but the problem is im blowing threw it everytime and also it's not throwing me up it's just unbending. I'm hitting it with my side on my turn everytime when i get up to 12'6. Friday in practice i tried a 14'7 175 UCS holding at about 13'10. I would get the pole to vertical fine but it would stop there. It only rolled over once out of about 10 vaults. I need to get up to this pole by friday for sectionals. If I can't i'll probly go on the shorter pole on like a 4 or 5 step approach. Any suggestion on what i can do to get up to this pole?

Heres a picture of my plant and take off on the shorter pole.
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Unread postby newPVer » Mon May 28, 2007 6:46 pm

to go up a foot in pole, and some weight is hard. to to a 14 foot 175 or a 14'7 165, then you can start raising your grip when you get good on those. and make sure you keep that trail leg back long enough to whip it through and up to keep the pole moving. good take off position tho
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Unread postby GiVaulter09 » Mon May 28, 2007 8:11 pm

thanks for the reply! The problem is that my school doesn't have a 14' 170 we have a 14' 165 that i can drop wieght to use if i need to. Even the 14'7 175 is borrowed from a school around me. And the trail leg thing is a problem I have, I tuck it in after the take-off during the swing as showed in the picture below...
I know i have to work on this hopefully i can get it this week(since it's most likely the last week of the season) would that drasticly change the pole speed and stop it from stalling out?

Heres a video of what I mean, both the trail leg and the blowing through the pole
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Unread postby BethelPV » Mon May 28, 2007 10:20 pm

Maybe try coming from a 1 step shorter approach... or if you are coming from 6 lefts, come from 5 lefts... that might give the pole a little more lift for you!!

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Unread postby WillinghamPV » Tue May 29, 2007 5:39 pm

Straightening that trail leg should be your main focus, since a long trail leg swung aggressively will carry your momentum forward and help you get back on the pole. If you can resist the urge to tuck and instead stay long, that larger pole will feel like butter. It looks like you have a great take-off and plant to get you going, so good luck and fly high!

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Unread postby bel142 » Wed May 30, 2007 6:53 pm

Add more pole between you and the box. Your acctually jumping past the pole, so you will just get through to the pit and the pole will just unbend....

Also Essx and UCS act differently because the sail piece is in a different place on them. If you’re used to Essx UCS are going to feel a little bit different.

ALSO if you add a whole foot of pole, your timing is going to very different and might take a while to get used to, so you said one out of ten vaults work, it might take a while to get used to.

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Unread postby GiVaulter09 » Wed May 30, 2007 7:21 pm

thanks for all the replies im actually gonna use the 14' 165 UCS i used it today and i was well over 12'. I still have to work on penitration with this pole because a lot of the time i landed on the crossbar with the standards at about 17. My main focus right now is what i do in the air because my run is fast enough and my plant is good enough to where the trail isnt that huge of an issue...
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Unread postby WillinghamPV » Wed May 30, 2007 8:12 pm

GiVaulter09 wrote:thanks for all the replies im actually gonna use the 14' 165 UCS i used it today and i was well over 12'. I still have to work on penitration with this pole because a lot of the time i landed on the crossbar with the standards at about 17. My main focus right now is what i do in the air because my run is fast enough and my plant is good enough to where the trail isnt that huge of an issue...

Where were you gripping on that 14' pole? Instead of focusing on what you do in the air, really emphasize the early phases of the vault because those early moments determine how the vault is going to play out before you even get back on the pole. Saying that the trail leg isnt really an issue kind of implies that you're missing the point... the trail leg will carry you FORWARD into the pit if you keep it long, thus allowing you to push your standards back to a safer distance and still clear a bar. Think of this analogy. If you have a ball on a chain thats about the length of your arm and you swing it forward, it will pull you forward a little. But, if you increase the length of the chain and swing the same ball forward, it will pull you forward with a much greater amount of force. This analogy transfers directly into the vault with regard to the trail leg. A long sweeping trail leg swung forward will carry your momentum forward into the pit, granting you the penetration you desire PLUS making it easier for you to get back on the pole.

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trail leg

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Thu May 31, 2007 8:30 pm

Actually your trail leg is bending because you are blocking with your left arm (discussed a million times here). Blocking takes time and stops your body's swing motion, so you are late on you swing. The left leg doesn't have time to extend so it stays straight to try and catch up to where it should be. Your body not your brain is making that adjustment. It's a natural reaction....DON"T BLOCK!

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Unread postby GiVaulter09 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:56 pm

haha thanks for the tips but it didnt matter! The schools run way was much faster then i've ever been on so i crushed the pole 3 attempts in a row and NH at 11'! Damn public school not having bigger poles.(I used the 14' 165) Oh well i got 2 more years to improve
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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:44 pm

yeah.. as the UT vault coach said.. just because your arm is straight doesn't mean the plant is good. any good coach will tell you that swinging a powerful trail leg is very critical component to the vault the swign does 2 things for you. the first one is it pulls you into the pull and allows you to use bigger poles. the second part of the swing helps convert forward momentum into upward moment. id spend some time this summer straight poling and learning how to swing.. then whe its time to plant.. open up the shoulders and let the chest drive in.. currently your pushing your chest away from where you want to go... energy in the wrong direction
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Unread postby dj » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:08 pm


turning the left elbow OUT... (pointing left 90 degrees to the runway)...

might solve most of your takeoff issues...

Come out of the back... Get your feet down... Plant big

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