theflyingkorean wrote:since when did they change the pomel horse (sp?) that the vault off of? I never remember it looking all different instead of the old pomel horse they do their other routines on.
ok, before they vaulted off of a horse and it was basically the same as the pommel horse but had no pommels and had springs in it as well, and was able to be adjusted much higher in the air.
the men vaulted with it long ways and the women vaulted with it sideways. now there is the new vaulting table which, i believe was introduced with in a year or so of the last olympics. the table is safer and actually a little easier to vault off of and is the same for men and women. i competed when i was in grade school and high school on the old horse but i have, since tried the table and i wish i got to compete with it. it slopes slightly upward is easier to get your hands on.