Your opening bar height?

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Unread postby mdavis2685 » Wed Feb 11, 2004 8:30 pm

you can never come in too low i would suggest base it off your warm up jumps went. i would start about 2 feet under my PR and if everything is on then i will pass.

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Unread postby SBVaulter » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:52 pm

It really all depends on how you're feeling that day. How were your warm up jumps? If you're not getting off the ground or your step is off, you want to come in at a lower height just so you can work out the quirks early. It also depends a lot on what your goals are for that particular jump day. It would be nice to pr every time but it isn't all that realistic. Your opening height can vary from meet to meet and the closer you are to peaking the higher your opening height should be. Just my two cents from experience.
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Unread postby opalkak » Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:23 am

I tend to come in kind of low, 4.90m range. I do this because I like to make a bunch of bars in competitions. I try and make at least 5 bars in a meet. this ususally sets me up to be jumping at a PR...

...but sometimes if the meet's opening height is higher than I usually plan, ie NCAA's where opening last year was 5.18m i think of warmups as part of the competition and take some really good vaults so I can be on the right pole and ready to go when the meet starts.

I plan on working on opening higher this outdoor season to get ready for the bigger meets to come.
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