pole flex???

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pole flex???

Unread postby td4rd » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:25 am

my name is adam and im new to this message board. ive been vaulting for 3 years and never really worried about any "pole flex" but now im jumping on a 13-6 135 and i weigh about 130. i am holding at about 12 feet on the pole and clearing 11 and it is just right. when i move back on the pole it bends way too much and i cant continue my rock back. i was wondering how the poles were ranked and how approxamatily how soft each of them are.any recomendations??? thanx everyone!

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Unread postby Barto » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:29 am

The higher you grip on any pole, the softer it will be. It sounds like you probably need a 13'6 140 if you want to raise your grip any more.


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