carbon poles-help me decide

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carbon poles-help me decide

Unread postby td4rd » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:46 am

im jumping on a 13-6 135 skypole im holding at 12 and i still have another foot and a half. but i cant move back because it bends too much for me too control i only weigh 130. i was wondering if n e one knew anything about the carbon poles. ive heard that it is always hard to switch poles (ive experienced one switch from a 125 to 135 but they were both skypoles) i was wondering about these poles if n e one thought they are extreamly hard to use or bend and if they may help me in my case???? thanx.


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Re: carbon poles-help me decide

Unread postby lonestar » Thu Feb 12, 2004 1:24 pm

td4rd wrote:im jumping on a 13-6 135 skypole im holding at 12 and i still have another foot and a half. but i cant move back because it bends too much for me too control i only weigh 130. i was wondering if n e one knew anything about the carbon poles. ive heard that it is always hard to switch poles (ive experienced one switch from a 125 to 135 but they were both skypoles) i was wondering about these poles if n e one thought they are extreamly hard to use or bend and if they may help me in my case???? thanx.


For the size poles you're jumping on and your grip height, carbon poles would just be a waste of money for you. IMO carbon poles under 15' long are a waste of money. What you need is simply the right size pole, which you don't seem to have. It's hard to say exactly what size you need without having seen you jump, but a 13'6 135 is relatively the same size as a 13'0 145 or a 12'6 155. If you're overbending the pole and landing deep in the pit on that 13'6 135 when you raise your grip above 12'0, then you might want something stiffer yet, so a 13' 150 or 12'6 160 might be the way to go. See if you can borrow any of those pole sizes from someone to try out and see if they work any better for you before you go spending your money.
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Unread postby Caseman33 » Thu Feb 12, 2004 2:12 pm

i agree with the pervious post. Also remember, you can styill become a succesful vaulter on fiberglass poles, just like many olympians today.
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Carbon Poles

Unread postby C-townvault » Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:09 pm

I have a 14'6" 170 carbon fx and i get alot better recoil off that pole than i do a 14'6" 175 skypole that is in my bag. both are pretty stiff for their weight ratings, 17.1 and 16.3 i believe. Just my personal experience.

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