Coaching pole vault without PV background

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Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby kmonty51 » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:37 am

This is a question for all coaches, but especially for those like me: Can an experienced high school track and field coach (in events other than pole vault) with virtually no pole vault background transition to pole vault coaching and succeed? Feel free to interpret "success" in any way you see fit. If so, what does it take, i.e., clinics, books, time, learning from mistakes, advice from others, all the above? This question comes out of a discussion in which one of the participants felt one could never really be a good pole vault coach if they hadn't personally experienced the drills, successes and failures that come with personal experience as a competitor. Encouragement is nice, but brutal honesty is even more welcome.
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby vcpvcoach » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:04 pm

Sorry to answer your question with a question but....Do all english teachers publish writings? Coaching is simply teaching. The more you know about your subject, the better you can teach it. Previous vaulting is helpful but not necessary. I vaulted in high school and college in the mid 80's then after 20 some odd years, started to coach. Back in the day, we picked up a pole we thought we could jump on and went down the runway. Today, the pole technology has improved greatly, making it easier to know how to teach the vault.

I spend alot of time studying pole vaulting. Not only my kids but other schools kids. All of the things that you mentioned are good resources but be careful about which advice you take here and on the web. Some of it is just plain dangerous.

I use Jan Johnson's Skyjumpers system. But there are others that are out there that are equally as effective. Earl Bell, Rick Baggett, and Alan Launder are a few that come to mind. Also, the coaches that you compete again are a great resource. Look that the schools that always seem to have kids jumping high and safe year in and year out then approach that coach for advice. Most good coaches will gladly help you because they love the event. Plus, a good coach will love the competition because it makes their athletes better.

I don't know where in Western Wisconsin you are but Jan comes to Chicago every Febuary for a weekend clinic and to Stevens Point every summer. It's worth your time to attend one of these clinics. I go every year. Also, check out the camps in your area by using this website. I'm a visual learner so I need to how something is done in order to learn it.

Good luck with teaching the pole vault. PM me is you need any further help.

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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby altius » Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:50 pm

All things being equal the better vaulter you were, the better the coach you are likely to be; Alex Parnov is an example of this. But things are rarely equal! My pr of 8'11 3/4" was set on the only day we tried the event in college but I believe I have learned enough about the event over the years to teach it well and to help athletes at any level to improve. I have coached intemational calibre athletes in the Shot, Discus, Javelin, Long Jump and Decathlon as well as the vault, without being a serious competitor in those events. So I am certain that it is possible to become a very effective coach of any event - if you enjoy working with young people - through serious study and by talking with successful coaches. My epiphany came in the vault when I met Petrov and Bubka in 1986 .

However to stir things up again I would add that a teaching background, especially in a related field, will help! ;)
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:19 pm

altius wrote:All things being equal the better vaulter you were, the better the coach you are likely to be; Alex Parnov is an example of this.

I would replace (all things being equal) better vaulter with more experienced vaulter. Two vaulters might apply themselves equally hard for 10 years with the same coaches and opportunities. (All things being equal) the more talented vaulter will jump higher. I've generally seen that elite vaulters making fantastic coaches tends to be the exception, not the rule.

Less talented athletes have to work harder just to keep up. The more talented athletes often find that the vault came easy for them and they have a harder time understanding why someone they are coaching is struggling with it.

Experience as a vaulter helps with coaching, but half of coaching is the ability to communicate information in a way that athletes can apply. It's probably easier to study hard and learn the technical aspects of the vault than it is to learn how to teach if that is not something you are not naturally gifted in (or perhaps people are just less likely to admit they have a shortcoming in this area).

Yes, I think someone who has never vaulted can become an excellent pole vault coach. It does take a lot of effort, but it is possible. I would encourage these coaches, unless they have a serious disability that prevents it, to pick up a pole and learn the basics. You don't have to do much, just go through the basic drills you teach your beginners, and do some complete vaults from a short run. You'll gain a world of understanding into the struggles your athletes are having,

I would also encourage you to pick up a copy of Beginner to Bubka and the DVD too. It really is a fantastic resource for coaches.

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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby AVC Coach » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:05 pm

Guy Kotchel coached Earl Bell and he had no previous vaulting experience.

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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby kmonty51 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:05 pm

Thank you, everyone. I felt that, with diligence and hard work, I could be an excellent pole vault coach. I wouldn't call myself excellent, but entering my third season, with a lot of study and help (especially from ladyvolscoach and souleman), I can call myself a good pole vault coach. My ultimate goal is to honestly be able to say I'm at least as good in pole vault as I was coaching horizontal jumps and hurdles. I like to think I did a pretty nice job in those events. It is true, as my "antagonist" pointed out, that the outstanding coaches in our area were vaulters themselves, some national class. I intend to prove those that question my future success wrong! Will probably take some more time and effort, though... :P
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby altius » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:22 pm

"that the outstanding coaches in our area " What have they done to be labelled outstanding coaches?
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby kmonty51 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:36 pm

Enthusiastic kids who are jumping safely, making some nice heights, some JV go higher than other schools' varsity, consistently have kids vying for conference and state championships, several have moved well to college level, and..they are very nice people who have done a lot to help me, especially when I first started (more than willing to share their expertise). In my opinion, and just about everyone else I know, they are top notch high school coaches. I also suspect they would tell me that with time, study and effort, I can one day have results similar to theirs. Souleman knows one of them. Mike, if you read this, would you agree with my description of the Hudson coach?
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby kmonty51 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:40 pm

Also, the coach I referred to in the previous post keeps your book on his desk at school and told me to buy it (I already had)! :yes:
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Re: Coaching pole vault without PV background

Unread postby altius » Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:45 pm

I have always said that there are a lot of good vault coaches in the USA - just not enough of them. You clearly have a good model nearby and you are already an enthusiastic track and field coach so you should take up the challenge and become a serious vault coach yourself. I have no doubt that you will be successful. :)
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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