Looking to borrow 13'6 180+

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Looking to borrow 13'6 180+

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:06 pm

We have a pretty decent series of poles, but one kid struggles to stay under 175lbs, so I am looking for a 13'6 180 or 185 in western Washington if anyone happens to have one they are not using. Maybe I have something you can borrow.

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Re: Looking to borrow 13'6 180+

Unread postby ifavault » Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:26 am

This is where the body weight/pole rating rule makes it hard on a kid and a coach. An experienced coach like yourself could safely use a 14' 170 to 175 holding low and make it work and make progress. It would be a lot easier to find one of those. A 13' 6" 180 pole (or heavier) may be hard to find. That's what we did in my day anyway (which wasn't all that long ago).

"Pole Vaulting...The Natural High"

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I'm in Charge
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Re: Looking to borrow 13'6 180+

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:01 am

Yeah, I think he will end up getting on a 14'180 that we are going to borrow, and we have a 14'185, but if he weighs 176 pounds at League/Districts/State, it sure would be nice if he had a 13'6 180 to warm up on.

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