Missouri H.S. Training?

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PV Wannabe
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Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby Hickman » Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:05 pm

Looking for an indoor training center with in 50 miles Columbia, Missouri. I have with 5-8 exp. H.S. vaulters that want some winter jumps.

I am getting a lot of look but no other posts are there just no place to vault in doors other than the colleges in Mid-MO????

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby awmusgrove » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:44 pm

i would be interested in a place around st louis , if you hear of one please let me know

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:16 pm

Try contacting Lane Lohr: lanelohr@yahoo.com for pole vaulting in St. Louis.

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby jr » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:16 am

Contact information:


(816) 223-1956

To order products or ask questions about camps etc... call or e-mail

Just Vault facility is located at 26204 Louisa Dr. Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

PV Wannabe
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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby Hickman » Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:13 pm

I knew about Todd Cooper and really what to meet him before the season starts, he had a huge write up on the KC sports page last year around state, it is hanging up in my classroom. Lane Lohr is a new name for me so I will have to check that out, but I can believe we have nothing in central Missouri, I am to the point of building my own if/when I can come up with the capital. The gymnastic gyms are resistant to allow vaulter in and there are no pole barns in Columbia that are under 1,000,000.00. Nothing in Jeff City or any of the surrounding towns.

A Disappointed Vault Coach.

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:17 pm

Hickman wrote:I knew about Todd Cooper and really what to meet him before the season starts, he had a huge write up on the KC sports page last year around state, it is hanging up in my classroom. Lane Lohr is a new name for me so I will have to check that out, but I can believe we have nothing in central Missouri, I am to the point of building my own if/when I can come up with the capital. The gymnastic gyms are resistant to allow vaulter in and there are no pole barns in Columbia that are under 1,000,000.00. Nothing in Jeff City or any of the surrounding towns.

A Disappointed Vault Coach.

You've never heard of Lane Lohr? :eek:

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby Hickman » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:45 pm

Lane is a St. Louis guy his talent pool is so big he has no reason to look or work out of his area, and the only reason I know about Todd is the story in the paper and the Bubka book he is mentioned in. If you don't live in the two big cities of Missouri is it like you don't exist in pole vaulting. Then when I show up with my athletes and they place at the H.S. my ability to coach and their talent is seen as a fluke, which is not fair to my students athletes who would like to continue to vault after H.S.
Jefferson City has had some of the top female vaulter in the past 5 year at the state tournament, the Columbia H.S. are growing, and the University of Missouri is in my back yard. Yet no coach or club has opened anything. I was hoping to get some other coaches or parents that might use this site to respond to see what kind of support/interest is out there. From what I have seen not much, so I am back to the grind for indoor places to vault/work out. I have enjoyed this site and other like it but I am looking for other H.S/College coaches to sit down have coffee talk shop and make the event stronger in Missouri.

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Re: Missouri H.S. Training?

Unread postby KCEric28 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:31 pm

There are a few places in KC...but that may be too far. Doug Lytle (former olympic vaulter)is opening a new indoor vault and high jump facility in early December 2009. They are planning an open house on Dec 6. I'll send more details when I have them.

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