dangerous-broken pole

Discussion about ways to make the sport safer and discussion of past injuries so we can learn how to avoid them in the future.
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dangerous-broken pole

Unread postby dj » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:56 pm


just saw a clip of a broken pole vault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the pole maker needs to get their heads out of it and change what they are doing!!!!!!!!!

do it right or don't do it at all..

someone is going to get killed


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Re: dangerous-broken pole

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:05 pm

I've seen poles of all brands break... and injuries from broken poles are very rarely catastrophic. Generally if someone is vaulting in a way that causes an undamaged pole to break, they are safer having it break than if they were to get shot out at a funny angle.

It sucks to break a pole and injure your hand, but that is not life threatening. Everyone I have ever seen break a pole (including myself) landed in the pit.

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Re: dangerous-broken pole

Unread postby dj » Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:13 am


yes i have seen a lot of breaks and yes with no deaths.. but when a pole breaks on the "recoil".. and not at maximum bend it seems obvious that something in wrong with either the structure or the material..... and the body of the vaulter has stopped it's forward movement and the hips are already moving above the shoulders... ?? the vaulter will drop straight down..

hopefully they are past the box at that time...

yes on "normal" breaks if the plant and swing is reasonably good the vaulter will "back flip" into the pit...


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Re: dangerous-broken pole

Unread postby Vaultiletics » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:29 pm

Pshhh I say lets go back to steel... or bamboo!

OK... OK... Not really! I broke a pole about 2 weeks ago... It happened just after the plant and I keep my poles in perfect condition at all times.

But the reality is it broke! I am not happy with it: 1) because of possible injury and 2) financially! 3) I lost a pole in my series - but,

18 years of vaulting and 4 breaks for me (2 carbon and 2 non carbon).... That is somewhere around 6000+ jumps without breaks or about 1 break in 1500 jumps!

We all assume the risk when we fell in love with this sport. And I will continue to jump not because of the risk... Rather, the love of the sport!

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Re: dangerous-broken pole

Unread postby Divalent » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:32 pm

Yeah, I agree: they significantly increase the risk in this event. They should just ban their use.

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