Missouri 250 mile rule

A forum to discuss pole vaulting or anything else relating to Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and North Dakota

Moderators: rainbowgirl28, Decamouse

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Bruce Caldwell
PV Enthusiast
Posts: 1783
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:19 pm
Expertise: It is all about Pole Vaulting. I even catch the competitors poles!
Lifetime Best: 15'8"
Favorite Vaulter: Kjell Issakson, Jan Johnson
Location: DFW TEXAS


Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:09 am

rainbowgirl28 Most states regulate this stuff if it is the high school coach doing the coaching (even if it is in no way connected to the school).

I am not qualified so ask each state association as they view things a little differrent.
I am always confused as to the motivation and intent of the rules, I find most rules are set for football and kind of carry over into the other sports even though often they really should not apply to those other sports.

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