highschool pole vault

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby loganvaulter » Sun May 05, 2013 10:42 am

Well the main thing i see is that when i vault i collapse into the pole where good vaults are away from the pole, what are they doing different?

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby loganvaulter » Sun May 05, 2013 11:42 am

Oh and also i got a new PR of 13 '6 and i had the hip hight to go 14 or 14 '6 but i cant get my feet up, because i Dont invert, i get to maybee a little past horizontal and then turn over the bar, and at this point my hips are still rising but my body wasnt vertical so my feet drop over the bar

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby vquestpvc » Sun May 05, 2013 2:55 pm

just a little correction to what Kirk last wrote: the top does not act as a "fulcrum". If you are pressing with the bottom hand (left for righties) then that hand becomes the fulcrum. The top hand is actually a point of the radius at which your body will circle around. In any case, No Fulcrum!

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby KirkB » Sun May 05, 2013 4:19 pm

vquestpvc wrote:just a little correction to what Kirk last wrote: the top does not act as a "fulcrum". If you are pressing with the bottom hand (left for righties) then that hand becomes the fulcrum. The top hand is actually a point of the radius at which your body will circle around. In any case, No Fulcrum!

Vquest, this is not just a "little correction". Let's just agree to disagree on this - I don't want to confuse Logan with conflicting advice. I specifically said that my coaching is in reference to the Petrov Model.

vquestpvc wrote:If you are pressing with the bottom hand ...

This is a big "if". With the Petrov Model, you should NOT be pressing in this way, changing the fulcrum point, until near the end of the downswing (exactly as I explained). The top hand/arm does all the work.

If you have a different PV Model, or if you don't agree with the Petrov Model, then please preface your remarks with the model that your advice is based on, instead of disputing my Petrov Model advice. :idea:

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby vquestpvc » Sun May 05, 2013 6:09 pm

Correction to what Kirk last wrote: the top hand is not used as a "fulcrum", but the point of radius for the body to swing around. If the bottom hand is used, that is creating a fulcrum. In any case, no fulcrum.

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby KirkB » Mon May 06, 2013 12:36 am

vquestpvc wrote:Correction to what Kirk last wrote: the top hand is not used as a "fulcrum", but the point of radius for the body to swing around. If the bottom hand is used, that is creating a fulcrum. In any case, no fulcrum.

I agree with that! :)

I suppose that a fulcrum is in the middle of an object that rotates (like a teeter-totter) whereas the "point of radius" that you refer to is at one end of the object (like a swing). I stand corrected. Thanks!

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby loganvaulter » Mon May 06, 2013 9:11 am

Actually from a purely engineering point it would still be a Fulcrum There are 3 types of levers, something like a Teeter totter is what they call a class one lever, the load on one side and effort of the other Fulcrum in the middle, pole vaulting on the other hand would be seen more as a class 2 lever, the same as a wheelbarrow minus the wheel, you can fill it up with a lot of weight and still lift it, but if you lifted it with out the handles , or from the middle you couldent do it, thats because the Fulcrum is at one end, the load is in the middle and effort at the over end, now turn that 90 degrees and you have pole vault, the Fulcrum should be your top hand, the load is your body and the Effort is your trail leg swinging through , thats just how i understand it .

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby loganvaulter » Tue May 07, 2013 8:29 pm

oh and by the way kirk and altius , i finally got a high bar up
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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby KirkB » Wed May 08, 2013 12:19 am

loganvaulter wrote:oh and by the way kirk and altius , i finally got a high bar up
What's that pool ladder for? Do you need that to get up on the highbar? :confused:

You should be JUMPING up! :D

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Re: highschool pole vault

Unread postby loganvaulter » Wed May 08, 2013 4:05 am

That is just for when i am doing a lot of strength reps, i use a strap for safety and also i am working on making it a strap bar as well as a high bar to work on things like giants and other things that require body control , for bubkas and other swinging things i do jump up , the strap was more for working on things like a gymnastics kip and cast , never Done Thoes before so i dident want to fall on my face, and also the ladder is for people who arnt 6ft , and on top of that the pool is about 3 ft away , thats why its a pool ladder, it was just standing there

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