
A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Unread postby Schnalan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:46 pm

Any suggestions on if I should take supplements and which ones to take?
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Re: Supplements

Unread postby dj » Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:49 am

the Qivana Products probiotic stabilizes and gives you a healthy gut to process you food efficiently..

the herbs in the essentials is the number one, all natural, anti-inflammatory..

*faster recovery from workouts…

^improves endurance because the anti-inflammatory cuts down the unnecessary burning of oxygen giving you more to use for training.

*the protein shakes for breakfast is the best way to start your day. (awesome made into a smoothie with berries etc..) The company METABOLIQ system is the world's first and only system that corrects metabolism.. AND is the ONLY protein shake product that has the GRAS rating from the FDA because the Lucerne in Dr. Layman's Metaboliq shake IS NOT derived from duck feathers and hair.

“The METABOLIQ Shakes contain balanced nutrition for a complete meal replacement together with an ideal blend of proteins that energize your muscles to burn calories and fat stores.”
- Dr. Donald K. Layman Ph.d …….University of Illinois
Award-Winning Metabolic Researcher

The new PRIME product is a all natural nitric oxide activator… Nitric Oxide, also known as N-O, is truly a miracle molecule. It's a gas, naturally produced throughout the body, which acts as a messenger enabling several critical process. When produced, it sends a message to the blood vessels to relax and expand, or dilate. Thus the end result of N-O production is increased blood flow or better circulation, making it literally the key to healthier living. Improved circulation means more oxygen and vital nutrients being distributed to muscles, organs and tissues. The first of its kind and has test strips included so you can monitor your Nitric Oxide levels weekly or monthly. A new level of "proactive' health, fitness and "body" monitoring.

The can be bought retail or whole sale and will "replace" some foods and supplements you already take for equal or less cost.

They have been tested by decathletes and distance runners… and have zero "drugs".. all natural.


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Re: Supplements

Unread postby bel142 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:42 am

Supplements are just that,
They supplement and fill in the gaps in what you are consuming to what you need.
You could just try eating better, I honestly think that is more tasty anyway...

and always keep this is mind
If it works instantaneously its illegal.
If it works quickly its probably banned.

Supplements are not regulated and can contain things that are not good for you...
talk to a Registered Dietitian or Doctor...
Keep in mind ignorance is not a defense in a postie drug test...

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Re: Supplements

Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:55 pm


and always keep this is mind
If it works instantaneously its illegal.
If it works quickly its probably banned.


Best advice I have heard in a while.
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Re: Supplements

Unread postby dj » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:03 pm


everything i mentioned from Qivana is natural and very legal...

the anti-inflammatory is a combination of three herbs, Ginseng being one of those….

These products are being marketed to the general public and not focused on the athlete at all, but you can't find better "supplements"/training aids…

three "systems" to cover first; basic intestinal health.. second; The Metabolism and now a third "system' to cover cardiovascular health…

A healthy athlete has the best chance of improving, succeeding and marking it through "smart' training uninjured…


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Re: Supplements

Unread postby bel142 » Sat May 18, 2013 4:16 pm

Meanwhile it's thoughts like the above that are mis-leading. MOST nutritional supplement developers make banned substances in the morning, and then supplements in the afternoon, if the equipment is not cleaned correctly you can have a cross contamination. Supplements are not regulated by the FDA so you cannot guarantee what is in them.

Smoothie King had a store in State College a few years ago, and some of the athletes went there to get recovery shakes. The they were not cleaning out the blenders properly and a hand full of the little girls on the field hockey team (or some other equally petite team) got poped for anabolic....

I have a recovery shake after my workouts. I use CytoSport brand for two fairly dumb reasons. 1) They advertise on the package that the product does not contain banned substances and was made in a facility registered with the NSF. And 2) they sponsor Ryan Hall.. I figure USADA has knocked on his door at least once or twice.

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