NFHS to require ASTM Box Collar 2014-2015

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NFHS to require ASTM Box Collar 2014-2015

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:48 pm

Time to start saving your money or fundraising... ... -1/opinion

Pole Vault Planting Box Padding Required for the 2014-15 High School Track Season

The installation of pole vault planting box padding permitted under Rule 7-5-24 will be a requirement in high school track and field beginning with the 2014-15 season.

Updated Jul. 2, 2013 @ 1:52 pm

Indiapolis, Indiana — The installation of pole vault planting box padding permitted under Rule 7-5-24 will be a requirement in high school track and field beginning with the 2014-15 season.

This was one of 13 rules changes approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Track and Field Rules Committee at its June 10-12 meeting in Indianapolis. All rules changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

“Several of these major rules changes are areas the committee has discussed and monitored for the past two or three years,” said Becky Oakes, NFHS director of sports and staff liaison for track and field.

Pole vault planting box padding that meets ASTM specification standards was allowed this past season and will be permitted in 2013-14 before being required in 2014-15. The padding can be incorporated into the design of the planting box or can be an addition to an existing planting box.
“The committee viewed this as one of the areas of pole vault where padding meeting the specific ASTM specification standard has the potential to prevent or minimize the severity of an injury that may occur to a vaulter landing in the plant box,” Oakes said.

Another change in the pole vault will limit a competitor to one minute to initiate a trial after being called for the attempt (more than three entrants). If two or three competitors remain, the allowable time is three minutes; if only one remains, the time limit is five minutes. The time limit for consecutive trials remains unchanged at three minutes.

In another rules change, vaulting poles are no longer inspected by the implement inspector. They are now to be inspected by the field referee or head field judge prior to warm-ups, according to changes made to Rules 3-19-3 and 7-5-5. The committee believes that implement inspectors have more expertise in throwing implements, and this change ensures a more efficient and practical process for inspections of vaulting poles on site.

Finally, Rule 6-2-9 requires a pass to be communicated to the event judge by the competitor before the start of the trial clock.

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Re: NFHS to require ASTM Box Collar 2014-2015

Unread postby patybobady » Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:46 am

Wasn't it already the practice that poles were checked in by the event judge (vault official)?

Also - why the change with time: 4+ = 1 min, 2-3 = 3 min, 1 = 5 ?

AND FINALLY THE Big question on:

Rule 3-2-8 now permits the use of electronic devices in unrestricted areas and coaching boxes, providing the location does not interfere with progress of the meet.

Electronic devices shall not be used to transmit information to the competitor during the race or trial, nor are they permitted to be used for any review of an official’s decision. However, state associations may also have policies in place to further address the use of electronic devices.

Violation of these rules will result in competitor disqualification from the event and team personnel disqualification from further participation in the meet for unsporting conduct.

This rule clarifies that coaches can use electronic devices and share information with their athletes as long as the devices are being used in accordance with the stated rule,” Oakes said. “This is an opportunity for coaches to use available technology as a coaching tool and increase the opportunity for good coaching.”

This doesn't clearly answer the question though...Or does it? what about after THAT trial/attempt? It should be clearly stated that AFTER the attempt, it can be reviewed by the competitor (they can watch film themselves)...OR the coach may watch film WITH competitor. ***its already fine for coach to film and watch themselves, but can't show athlete (can tell them what they saw but no showing)***

Also - what about hurdles or relays? How does this apply to a coach filming block starts before hurdles, then showing to athlete just before the start of race? Handoffs for relays too.. I know there's not much time but...
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Re: NFHS to require ASTM Box Collar 2014-2015

Unread postby stormvault » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:09 pm

I think the rule is clarifying the where. Coaches could use electronics if they were in an unrestricted area. Use of electronics would now be allowed in those areas.

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