Chalk or sticky whats your grip preference ?

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Tatjana Grigorieva

Unread postby vaultfan » Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:02 pm

I’m very curious as to what Tatjana Grigorieva had on her pole during the 2000 Olympics. In the series of still pictures here ( ... va_455.jpg) you can clearly see that there is very black section on her otherwise white pole about 6 inches long and 6 inches from the top. (you will probably need to click on a little block at the lower right portion of the screen to expand the still pictures to regular size.)

In the three hour videotape of the women’s pole vault competition at the 2000 Olympics available through the USATF Development Projects, you can see that the entire inside of her top hand is almost completely black from gripping that section of her pole. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could help me here. What in the world is that stuff? :confused:

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Re: Tatjana Grigorieva

Unread postby lonestar » Mon Nov 04, 2002 3:33 pm

the entire inside of her top hand is almost completely black from gripping that section of her pole. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could help me here. What in the world is that stuff? :confused:[/quote]

Not positive it it's the same stuff, but I know a few elites who use something called "friction tape" made by 3M. It's double sided sticky and makes one hell of a mess! You need a commerical strength degreaser to get if off of your hands. One elite uses that stuff combined with Firm Grip and/or lighter fluid.

Bubka at one point used a double-sided carpet tape kind of beige in color and would change it between every jump.
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Tape Rule

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Mon Nov 04, 2002 3:57 pm

Does anyone know if it actually is or isn't against the rules for high school vaulters to use firm grip spray or tape like that? What does it say specifically about it in the NFHS rule book? Jodie started using the spray this summer and likes it.
That's Jodie!!

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Re: Tape Rule

Unread postby lonestar » Mon Nov 04, 2002 5:17 pm

jmayesvaultmom wrote:Does anyone know if it actually is or isn't against the rules for high school vaulters to use firm grip spray or tape like that? What does it say specifically about it in the NFHS rule book? Jodie started using the spray this summer and likes it.

According to the 2002 NFHS Rule book:

Section 4, Article 2: "the vaulting pole may have a binding of not more than two layers of adhesive tape of uniform thickness. However, the bottom of the pole may be protected by everal layers of tape, PVC, metal, sponge rubber or other suitable material to protect it when placed in the planting box."

Section 4, Article 20: "Taping of any part of the hands or fingers shall not be permitted unless there is an open wound that must be protected by tape. Taping of the wrist is permissable. Gloves are not permitted. Competitors may use chalk or an adhesive or similar substance such as rosin on their hands during the competition.
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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:00 pm

Good....I need to get a 2003 rule book. I looked on the NFHS site and was having trouble finding where exactly or how to order one. Do you know?
That's Jodie!!

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Re: Rules

Unread postby lonestar » Mon Nov 04, 2002 7:33 pm

jmayesvaultmom wrote:Good....I need to get a 2003 rule book. I looked on the NFHS site and was having trouble finding where exactly or how to order one. Do you know?

I got mine from OnTrack.
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Unread postby PVJunkie » Mon Nov 04, 2002 11:02 pm

Kris..........I am sell them, check out a 98901 in your dpl!

later, Bryan

jmayesvaultmom, get one with the pole bag.

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Rule Book

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Mon Nov 04, 2002 11:05 pm

Thanks :D I'm going to make sure that Jodie has a copy in her bag and learns all the rules....then if they do something she considers different than the rules, she can pull the rule book out. We need one for AAU and USATF also...can you get those there too?
That's Jodie!!

A scripture that makes me think of all you girls and guys pole vaulting....

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Unread postby lonestar » Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:02 am

[quote="PVJunkie"]Kris..........I am sell them, check out a 98901 in your dpl!

later, Bryan

DOH! Never even saw it in there till you said something - page 45! Oh well, I guess I've been demoted in my dealer status!
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Tue Nov 05, 2002 12:31 am

Just keepin ya honest (and givin ya a hard time)..........ya know with a little guidance from a really good tech rep your gonna go far!!! We are not the lagest manufacturer of track and field equipment in the world by NOT offering the most COMPLETE line!!

Still waitin on the FULL recap of this weekends event w/pictures!!

later, Bryan

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Unread postby EC1 Vaulter » Tue Nov 12, 2002 11:25 am

Sticky... A can of tuffskin is at my side for every practice and every meet.
... and don't mind the Cucumbers.



Unread postby vaultfan » Sun Nov 17, 2002 10:41 am

I made a post a short while back making inquiry as to what Grigorieva was using on her pole during the 2000 Olympics which made her hand so black and sticky looking. At the time I made the post I had made a search for a picture of her at the top her vault which would show the black part of her pole and wasn’t able to come up with too good of a photo. However, I recently found a great still picture of her at the top of her vault located at ... -final.jpg . Have a feeling that Kris Allison’s answer about her using “friction tapeâ€Â

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