Okay Masters, it's time to start looking for places to vault!
I was hoping that anyone with information on meets that have "Open" or the even rarer "Masters" divisions could post them here.
It occured to me that I could just update this first post instead of continuing to add to the bottom -
May 24th - Vaultstock at Bell Athletics http://www.bellathletics.com/vaultstock15.html
June 5th - Jumps and Throws Meet at Birmingham Southern College, Al - USATF, "Open" (info trakbird2@bellsouth.net)
June 6th - Alabama USATF State Championships, "Masters (30+)", Hoover HS, Al. seems to be open to anyone (flier - http://www.al.usatf.org/Home/2015-AL-As ... hedul.aspx)
June 6th - Kentucky USATF Association track & field meet. Goshen, Kentucky. Open & Masters. North Oldham High School. For questions, contact at: Coachpattyrouse@gmail.com
June 6-7 - "Vault the 'Ville" Louisville, Ky - "Open" comp on the 7th. Elites jump Sat 6th (info vaultintheville@gmail.com)
June 12-13 - "Bluegrass State Games", Centre College, Ky. Registration for Bluegrass State Games is at http://www.bgsg.org Out of state competitors welcome.
June - 13th - Alabama State games. Age Group divisions. (in the past this has been open to anyone from any state). Troy University, Troy Alabama. Registration on http://www.COACHO.com
Emory University, June 13, 2014 (Formally: The "All-Pole Vault - All the Time" Meet) - more info posted at bottom of page.
July 18th - Dauphin Street Vault, Mobile, AL - Web site says "Beginner and Elite competitions with two pits running concurrently" but I think they may mean "Beginner TO Elite". Have had an open division in years past. http://www.dauphinstreetvault.com/
July 18th - Canopy Street Vault, Lincoln Ne. http://www.canopyst.com/railyard/featur ... reet-vault
July 19th - Georgia State Games - Open/Masters Division, USATF certified, Marietta High School in Marietta, GA - http://www.georgiagames.org , questions can be emailed to staff.brett.mcneill@georgiagames.org
Aug. 8th - Street vault in down town Jacksonville, Fla. Aug. 8th! "Great run meet!!!!"
Aug. 8th/9th - 2015 Jammin' and Jumpin' Street Vault in Downtown Henderson, Ky. online registration is now open! August 8 & 9 http://www.smtrackclub.com This one was GREAT last year. They let us old guys vault in the cool of the evening on Friday night and still had a good crowd!
If you know of any other "Open" or "Masters" opportunities, please add them.