Another WR for Isinbayeva - 4.88i

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:50 pm

what if she sets a absolute world record indoors on boards?? :devil:
just kidding, lets not go too far down that path

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Unread postby jonmulk » Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:52 pm

Skyin' Brian wrote:what if she sets a absolute world record indoors on boards??


It would be the "World Record" as opposed to just the "World Indoor Record"

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:16 pm

Skyin' Brian wrote:what if she sets a absolute world record indoors on boards?? :devil:
just kidding, lets not go too far down that path

It's not a problem to set world records indoors on boards, just not outdoors. It would still be THE world record, even though it is on boards, but if you took that roof off the building, it would not count as a world record *rolls eyes*

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:07 pm

what if someone sets a record indoors at altitude several years ago, then what is it ;)

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Unread postby lonestar » Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:46 pm

Skyin' Brian wrote:what if someone sets a record indoors at altitude several years ago, then what is it ;)

And what if that indoor record at altitudes was jumped on boards in a building with a hole in the roof?!? :devil:
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Unread postby VaultNinja » Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:04 pm

jonmulk wrote:When Stacey vaulted 4.83m last year, it was counted as a 'World outdoor best' though, wasn't it..? And I'm pretty sure (though not certain) that she got some sort of bonus for it.

So there's no double standards whatsoever. The only difference is that now (because of Stacey's mini-fiasco), everyone is a lot clearer on the rules.

Doesn't sound like anyone is clear on the rules. So lets hear them. Who knows what EXACTLY the IAAF rules are on the Indoor and Outdoor "world" Records and the Out right World record. Including how the bonuses work. Not just what you've heard. Because I thought I had a good handle on it after what happend last year, but I guess I'm just not bright enough. Because Stacy DID jump higher than the Indoor world Record last year when she jumped 4.83, and they said it is an indoor record but not a World Record so no bonus for you. Then one of the Russians jumped higher indoors not long after.....did she get a bonus??? Now this new record of 4.88 is being called an Indoor World Record, even though there is not supposed to be such a thing anymore, and there is not supposed to be a bonus, but $30,000 is somehow thrown in the mix.
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Unread postby jonmulk » Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:03 pm

VaultNinja wrote:Stacy DID jump higher than the Indoor world Record last year when she jumped 4.83

No, she didn't. Isinbayeva jumped 4.86m in Budapest 2004, which was the outright WR, before Stacey jumped the 4.83m.

Put simply, the rules as I understand them (based on the current 4.92m WR and 4.88m WIR):

If someone vaults 4.93m indoors, it will be THE World Record (outright).
If someone vaults 4.89m indoors, it will be the World INDOOR Record.
If someone vaults 5.00m indoors for a new world record, and then someone vaults 4.93m or above outdoors, the 4.93m will be a World OUTDOOR Best but the 5.00m will remain as the outright World Record.

There may be a few more minor details (with regards to what classifies indoors and outdoors, and outdoors with boards, etc...), but the above is the gist of it.

With regards to bonuses, there are currently bonuses up for grabs for the World Indoor Record, as it is the indoor season. If the WIR is higher than the 4.92m by the time the outdoor season begins, any world outdoor bests will duly be rewarded.

There really isn't any discrimination between Russian and American athletes. If Dragila was at the Birmingham meet and vaulted 4.88m instead of Isinbayeva, do you REALLY think they wouldn't have paid her?!?! Get real...

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Unread postby VaultNinja » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:06 pm

Ok, so Stacy jumped 4.83m outdoors on 08/06/2004 which was an "Outdoor World Record" at the time. I thought it was indoors. my bad. And Yelena jumped 4.86 indoors on 06/03/2004 in Budapest. Which was the overall WR. But Stacy still did not recieve a bonus for the jump. Because IAAF said not a World Record, no bonus, even though it was an outdoor record, but not outright record. Now they are giving out money for Indoor records, that are not outright records. Thats where I get confused.

Thats why I asked for the EXACT rules that IAAF has, not someones ASSumptions from what they've heard. I was hoping someone would research it, or actually know facts about how the bonuses are being allocated. not "the gist of it" the facts. But it looks like that information is either not available or not defined.
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Unread postby achtungpv » Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:25 pm

I don't think the IAAF gives WR comes from the meet promoter. If the promoter differentiates between indoor & outdoor WRs, that's their prerogative but it doesn't make it official.

A few years ago the IAAF decided to only recognized WRs...thus, you could theoretically set a 60m WR outdoors. When they decided to eliminate the difference between the two, they allowed all indoor records to stand as indoor WRs until the outdoor & indoor marks were both bettered. Thus 6.15 outdoors will not break the WR, you gotta jump 6.16 which will also beat the best indoor mark...

Having said that, the IAAF still talks about indoor WRs. Probably because it's good publicity for the sport.
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Unread postby VaultNinja » Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:10 pm

Thanks for the info. Thats helpful
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