what video program

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what video program

Unread postby nipger » Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:02 am

what video program do you guys use to convert ur film into files?

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Unread postby Scott Go Pre » Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:06 am

I think saraf can answer that question best. check out his site http://www.fliptography.com/adam/adam.html
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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:19 am

The best thing to do is to get a DV video camera. Once you have one of those you can use any number of programs to capture and save the files. Macs come with iMovie preinsalled - but other excellent programs include Adobe Premier (windows) and FinalCut Pro or Express(Mac).
If you still have an old school videocamera or the videos on VHS you have to look at it from a hardware point of view. You need a way to connect your VHS VCR or camera to your computer. Video capture devices are available as PCI cards (for desktops), PCMCIA cards (for laptops), and extern boxes that connect via USB/Firewire. Most if not all of these would come with software for controlling the video capture process and basic video editing.

My overall suggestion is to just get an entry level DV video camera (I dont know what they are down to now, but I think its around 300-400 bucks) and find some inexpensive software. But if money is tight, then the above option will work. Hope this helps.
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Unread postby Mecham » Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:01 pm

USMC Vaulter wrote:FinalCut Pro or Express(Mac).
The best way to go!
Just you wait...

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Unread postby master » Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:34 am

This can be a complicated activity depending on everything you might like to accomplish. But there are some simple inexpensive ways to do some things. Let's first assume you have a digital video camera (or the ability to borrow one). Then let's assume you have a PC running Windows XP with a firewire connection and a cable that connects your firewire jack on your PC to your digital video camera. There is a free piece of software called Windows Media Encoder (WME) that can be downloaded from a Microsoft web page. When you plug in your camera to the PC, XP will ask which program you want to use and it should display WME as a choice.

WME can capture a length of video from your digital video camera and convert it into a wmv file type. This file type will play in the free to download Windows Media Player (WMP) software. This is the cheapest and easiest (but without ability to do editing) way to go. Also, most or at least many of the video cameras can accept standard (non digital) video input and they convert it to digital which can be recorded on digital video tape or (I think) played through the camera to be captured and converted by WME.

I personally use Adobe Premiere to capture, edit and adjust video before I output it to be converted to wmv type files by WME.

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Unread postby krupat » Mon May 09, 2005 7:25 pm

greatest video editor and convertor thing:::::Adobe Premier Pro v. 7. that thing kicks but, it so easy to use(after a while of learning it tho) lol and is so clear and precise. i love it and hate everyothers i have used. :D

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