Effective Clearance?

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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Unread postby CrossBarHOpper » Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:25 pm

i jumped 13'5" with 12" of push but i can clear 12'6 holding 11'5''
hey guys! Abe Lincoln?
Sophmore PR 14'6"

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Unread postby BethelPV » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:40 pm

16'8" holding 14'8" on a 15' 14.2 flex... 32 inch push off
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Unread postby Cooleo111 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:46 am

PR is 14'4" holding 13'3" so i guess 13 inches...21 i guess with your 8 inch box

That was my best pushoff, but I've pretty consistantly gotten about 8 inches (16 with the box), so I'm still workin on it!

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Ok Now what...

Unread postby baggettpv » Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:23 am

So I got you guys thinking about it. Now what do you do to increase the over grip? Does your hand hold affect the over grip? Is there a perfect hand hold for each vaulter? Can you determine your grip heighth by another drill? In other words, are there ways to measure drill performance?
Just trying to lead you guys/girls in a productive direction....

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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:06 pm

i have jumped 18'1 holding 15'9.... so that would be 36"

i have also jumped 18'2 holding 16'2, which is around 32"

im thinking your grip height is not as important as the way the pole reacts with that grip. the energy you bring into the vault (speed) is the maximum height you can get out, so all that really matters is that the pole is being efficent (not landing too deep or shallow). now obviously that means for each person there will be some mark that is ideal, however... i think there is some room to play with, an acceptable range..

thats my 2 cents anyway
Brian Mondschein
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Unread postby fx » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:32 am

Stiffer pole... returns more of the energy.... higher height over the grip

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Unread postby AVC Coach » Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:34 pm

16'08" in HS (1988) gripping 14'03"
16'07" a few years ago in Reno holding 14'00"

Take off angle and energy projection at the take off really determine your grip height. What you do with it after that, meaning how much energy you add to the system and how much you allow to leak out, will determine your clearance over your grip.

If it weren't for a complete lack of speed and athletic ability, I could have held in the 16's.

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Over grip and hand hold.

Unread postby baggettpv » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:03 am

and so we talk about it.....
Threee factors:
Hand hold
Pole size
over grip clearance

The quesations that arise:
What do you coaches do in training to periodize and teach these three simple aspects of the event? Lets keep it simple and not get too redundant in our replies. You must know about psychomoter training and periodization in athletics and of course the performance of pole vaulting.

Your thoughts?

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Unread postby kat_vaulter » Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:33 am

I jumped 18' .5" holding 15' 6" = 38.5 inch push off
17" holding 14' 6" = 38 inch pushoff

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Unread postby Tim McMichael » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:53 am

18'5" gripping 15'3" so that would be 46" push off.

Highest I've ever seen was Joe Dial in practice in '84. He made 18'10" gripping 15' which is a 54' push off.

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:54 pm

didnt paul burgess make 19'8 with a 16ft grip? that would be a 52 inch pushoff
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Unread postby 2-15-46 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:04 pm

KYLE ELLIS wrote:didnt paul burgess make 19'8 with a 16ft grip? that would be a 52 inch pushoff

wouldn't that be a 36 inch push off minus 8 for the box?????? in 1964, on a steel pole, I jumped 4.11M holding 11'6..... the box then was 6 inches deep... so i pushed 30 inches...that was one of my stong points back then.... no help from a pole just a hands together, got verticle and really pushed...... wish I could do it again today holding onto 12' feet on a flexible pole i'd be a hot M60...haha still not afraid of getting verticle, just getting down the runway without having a blowout!!!:)

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