Brad Walker 6.00m in Germany

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:27 am

I think Brad is coming back home in the next few weeks, so hopefully he brings some video with him.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:46 am ... 20969.html

Australian Paul Burgess lost his world lead in the pole vault in a good cause on Wednesday night when American Brad Walker became the 14th man to clear six metres.

Competing at a pole vault meeting in Germany, Walker cleared exactly six metres to become the first athlete to clear the height since Burgess did it almost 18 months ago.

Burgess, who led the world going into the meeting with a 5.92-metre clearance, finished second with 5.83.

At the same meeting, Vicky Parnov set Australian under-18 and under-20 records when she cleared 4.32 metres in the women's vault. Parnov, 15, was a member of the Commonwealth Games team.

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Unread postby tdtb » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:53 am

The other real question is, WILL IT COUNT. Rumor about street vaults, runways etc: Anybody know what gives? :confused:

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:00 pm

tdtb wrote:The other real question is, WILL IT COUNT. Rumor about street vaults, runways etc: Anybody know what gives? :confused:

Here is a list of the highest non-legal vaults: ... php?t=3480

I don't know if Brad's will end up on that list or not. As far as I am concerned it counts, as long as the runway wasn't downhill.

The Australian media is reporting Parnov's PR as counting for all kinds of Aussie records, and that was in the same meet.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:01 pm ... ?ID=140982

Pole vaulter Walker joins exclusive club

July 20, 2006

JOCKGRIM, Germany – Brad Walker vaulted into another stratosphere on Wednesday.

The University High School graduate became just the 12th pole vaulter in history to join the 6-meter club outdoors – clearing 19 feet, 8 1/4 inches to win an international vault-only meet.

Walker, who turned 25 a month ago, beat the last man to clear 6 meters, Australian Paul Burgess, who accomplished the feat 17 months ago in his home country.

Burgess cleared 19-1 1/2 to finish second, ahead of German Tim Lobinger (18-9 3/4), another member of the 6-meter club.

With his jump, Walker becomes just the fourth American to crack the 6-meter barrier. Jeff Hartwig, the American record holder at 19-9 1/2, did it five times between 1998 and 2000, while Tim Mack (19-8 3/4) and Toby Stevenson (19-8 1/4) both did it in 2004.

Walker's previous best of 19-6 1/2 was set last year in Rieti, Italy.

The University of Washington graduate is the 2006 World Indoor champion and a silver medalist outdoors in 2005.

He's also a three-time United States champion indoors and out.

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Unread postby tdtb » Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:13 pm

Just talked to Brad and he said the meet was a Vault Meet only and it was inside a small stadium. The runway was not a raised runway and the mark should count. Hope he's right. ;)

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Unread postby fieldguy » Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:11 pm

Posted: 20 Jul 2006 13:50 Post subject:


i find the table of stats on the 6-meter jumpers on tandfnews board fascinating. but, as a fan of the pv on the ground only, i have a couple of questions. the pushoff stat ? please explain that. and does the 5.20 pole index refer to flex rating or what? be nice. i was an english major. math makes me very, very afraid.

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Unread postby AVC Coach » Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:14 pm

No problem! The push-off stats refer to the height cleared above the grip with 8 inches added for the depth of the box. The 5.20m reference is to the length of the pole, which translates to 17'00.75" in length.

Some companies use the metric system in measuring the flex #'s on poles and some use imperial. Some use a 1 kilogram increment with no flex numbers. I always used the metric system growing up when flexing poles, so I tend to convert every imperial flex measurement back to metrics (multiply inches by 2.54 to get centimeters). Each length of pole brings about a new set of flex #'s though, so a 14 foot 16.5cm flex is not equal to a 15 foot 16.5cm flex.

Hope this helps.

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Unread postby NovaVault » Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:27 am

Brad Walker soars to 6 metres
Friday 21 July 2006
Jockgrim, Germany - The World Indoor champion, USA’s Brad Walker, established the World best performance as he cleared 6 metres in the Pole Vault last Wednesday in Jockgrim, in the South West of Germany.
25-year-old Walker, who was also runner-up to Rens Blom at last year’s IAAF World Championships in Helsinki, won the contest ahead of Australia’s Paul Burgess (5.82m) and Germany’s Tim Lobinger (5.73m).

His previous personal best was 5.96m, a performance he achieved at last year’s Rieti meeting in Italy.

The previous World best belonged to Burgess who had cleared 5.92m on 8 July in Mannheim.

Walker becomes the 12th man to clear the historical barrier of 6 metres.


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Unread postby Lax PV » Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:59 am

NovaVault wrote:Brad Walker soars to 6 metres
Friday 21 July 2006
Jockgrim, Germany - The World Indoor champion, USA’s Brad Walker, established the World best performance as he cleared 6 metres in the Pole Vault last Wednesday in Jockgrim, in the South West of Germany.
25-year-old Walker, who was also runner-up to Rens Blom at last year’s IAAF World Championships in Helsinki, won the contest ahead of Australia’s Paul Burgess (5.82m) and Germany’s Tim Lobinger (5.73m).

His previous personal best was 5.96m, a performance he achieved at last year’s Rieti meeting in Italy.

The previous World best belonged to Burgess who had cleared 5.92m on 8 July in Mannheim.

Walker becomes the 12th man to clear the historical barrier of 6 metres.


Im pretty confident that he is the 14th isn't he?

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:01 pm

I have 14 on my list. Maybe 2 of those were indoors only?

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Unread postby mikepv1 » Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:05 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:I have 14 on my list. Maybe 2 of those were indoors only?

Ecker and Galfione vaulted 6m indoors only.

Walker is 7th if you rank vaulters according to how young they were when they first vaulted 6m (down to the month).

Code: Select all

 |                |  Age when    |
 |  Athlete       |  Cleared 6m  |
 |  Bubka         |  21          |
 |  Brits         |  21          |
 |  Markov        |  22          |
 |  Gataullin     |  23          |
 |  Ecker         |  23          |
 |  Lobinger      |  24          |
 |  Walker        |  25          |
 |  Burgess       |  25          |
 |  Tarasov       |  26          |
 |  Stevenson     |  27          |
 |  Galfione      |  27          |
 |  Trandenkov    |  29          |
 |  Hartwig       |  30          |
 |  Mack          |  32          |

Yes, I was way too bored. :P
"For a few seconds, it is as if you are a bird."
-Sergei Bubka

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