What characteristics make a good coach

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What characteristics make a good coach

Unread postby htheodore » Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:10 pm

What traits or characteristics, in your opinion, should one posess to make a good or great coach? What is your definition of a good coach or great coach? Are they one in the same? This could be a positive, educational experience for everyone.

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Unread postby lonestar » Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:41 pm

Event knowledge - from many sources (experience as an athlete, coaching another sport, books, videos, clinics, camps, conversations with elite coaches and athletes, etc...)
Basic understanding of sciences (ex: physics, biomechanics, exer. physiology)
More patience
Adequate facilities and equipment
Good rapport with athletes, parents, other coaches
Good resources (networked with other good coaches, video and other technology)
Provides opportunities for success
Helps in setting attainable, yet challenging goals
Communicates in a variety of ways (verbal, non-verbal)
Provides structure in training

to name a couple...
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