2006 MTCCCA Clinic - Columbia, MO

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I'm in Charge
Posts: 30435
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

2006 MTCCCA Clinic - Columbia, MO

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:56 am


To all Head Coaches;

Please pass the 2006 MTCCCA clinic information on to your assistant coaches and colleagues!

We want everyone who is coaching Track & Field and/or Cross Country in the state of Missouri, to receive this information. Clinic brochures and registration information will be sent to you by mail!

Clinic site: Holiday Inn Select Executive Center, Columbia, MO
Clinic dates: Friday & Saturday, December 8-9, 2006

Missouri Track and Cross Country Coaches Associations Annual Clinic and Hall of Fame Induction
Sponsored by MTCCCA and the MU Conference Office at:
Holiday Inn Select Executive Center, Columbia, MO

General Information

Clinic Fee and Registration

The advance registration fee for the clinic is $85. The on-site registration fee is $100. The fee includes clinic attendance, clinic notes, Hall of Fame Luncheon and your 2007 MTCCCA dues. Use the attached clinic registration form to register for the clinic. Lunch on Friday is included in the registration fee. You may purchase additional luncheon tickets. The first 400 paid registrants will receive a free coaching bag sponsored by UCS. You will receive this bag on-site if you are one of these first 400 registrants. You may register on line through the MU conference office at http://www.muconf.missouri.edu/mtccca.

For Further Information

Call the MU Conference Office at (573) 882-2429. If you must cancel your registration, refunds will be made only upon receipt of a written request to the MU Conference Office, 344 Hearnes Center, Columbia, MO 65211 by November 22, 2006. Membership will not be refunded.

Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Select Executive Center for the MTCCCA until November 8, 2006. The special room rate is $74.95 per room per night with 1-4 persons per room. Make your room reservations by calling the Holiday Inn Select directly at (573) 445-8531. Reservations must be made by November 8, 2006 to guarantee the room rate. Please remember to ask for the MTCCCA special rate.

2006 MTCCCA Clinic Presenters Profiles

Jack Cady Stridemechanics, Inc. Kansas City

Jack Cady is a certified physical therapist who has spent several years specializing in the area of running form analysis. A lifetime runner himself, he has founded Stridemechanics and authored a text on the subject of stride efficiency using associate and U.S. distance great Mark Curp (’95 MTCCCA Hall of Fame) as a benchmark for optimum running economy. Jack is available as a field consultant for your team on request. His power point presentation will show, in simple and frank terms, how runners can make dramatic improvements in their stride that pay big dividends on the stopwatch.

Gary Cornelsen Canyon Randall High School, Amarillo, Texas

A talented motivator known for developing a team atmosphere, Gary is a thirty-three year veteran and nationally recognized coach with ties to both Texas and Kansas. Coach Cornelsen’s career legacy includes an astounding 14 year stretch (1991-2004) as the State 5A Boys Track Champions in Liberal, Kansas. Also, during his tenure at Liberal, his girls won ten State track titles in eleven years, including a run of eight straight from 1994-2001. He also won two State girls track titles at 4A Pampa High in Texas in ’86 and ’88. As head football coach at Liberal (118-17 career mark) Gary’s teams made seven straight trips to the state title game, winning four. Coach Cornelsen has had numerous Division I track and football athletes from his programs. He has coached two NFL players and two NBA players who were great track athletes. Two adult sons and twelve former athletes of his are, or were, in the coaching ranks. Coach Cornelsen has won two national coaching awards in his career and is a member of the NHSACA National Coaches Hall of Fame.

Dan Futrell Incarnate Word Academy St Louis, Mo.

Dan Futrell was a State Champion (1975) for Berkeley High School and helped launch the Bulldogs into the track dynasty it became. Dan was an NCAA champion and 10-time All-American at Truman State (then Northeast Missouri State University in Kirksville) at the Division II level, and a very close second at the ’79 Division I NCAA finals. He was a US Olympic Trials competitor in ’76-80-84-88 and 92, competing for Nike and later New Balance on the international level. He continued as a Master’s level athlete of note (Drake Relays record 1:55. at age 44) and coached in the St Louis area for 25 years, including McCluer North, Academy of the Visitation and Incarnate Word Academy where he currently coaches. Dan is a member of MTCCCA’s largest Hall of Fame induction class in 1995.

Greg Hull Pole Vault MF – Athletic / USATF

Greg is a Phoenix, Arizona resident who is the coach of both 2000 Sydney Olympic pole vault gold medalists Nick Hysong and Stacy Dragila, and runs the education portion of the US Pole Vault Summit in Reno Nevada. Greg also runs the “Kiss the Skyâ€Â

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